and the spiritual journey is not an eternal "circle" but an eternal upward "spiral" through light and darkness respectively - as the M-symbols 17 and 14 shows

Beatrice Brunner (BB) 'Medium between two worlds'. link. The "light source" in the center here in the picture above on the left can symbolize the oversoul/Godhead, who senses "behind"/through EVERYTHING. . She was the clearest and most important German-speaking medium to the other side - through  the last hundred years.

certain mediums can connect to the life thread of souls and thus read the life path they have taken in their past lives -
such as the person on the top left in the picture above - the medium Beatrice Brunner from Switzerland (1910–1983). This often happens in a trance,
where the medium uses her spiritual bodies, which are "subconscious" (Martinus calls it "night consciousness"+ see this  and this  article on that theme.)
And which at the same time opens the channel to special spiritual guides on a higher level, as this symbol (down left there) of Martinus provides a
principle explanation for. This does not happen by chance - but it is a past life, trained and predetermined task that happens. It is then these who "read out" and convey how "things are connected" with the previous lives/incarnations. Brunner's special mediums on the other hand were "Joseph" and later "Lena". Both used quite religious language.
Here -below- is a link to text and audio files where different people's "life videos" are shown and "played" and where certain people from the other side could tell about their past incarnations via this medium. Where everyone reaps what they have sown - THAT principle applies "all the way" = the KARMA principle
afterlife_examples_through_medium_bea_Brunner/experience Reports1968-1970
equivalent in Norwegian in txt  OR in docx or
lyd/audio part1 og 2 (google transl.)
hans wilhelm on same- search here

reports from 1958-1959 mp3
 -pdf + or txt-format




audio mp3

 (what awaits us) LIFE AFTER LIFE: 
audio part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |

menneskets søvnliv
(martinus kaller dette nattbevisstheten)

The Sleep Life of Human Beings  

und teil 2
div audio and textfiles
from same source

listen to podcasts with ole therkelsen