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"Samkvem med åndeverdenen, lover og hensikt" av Johannes Greber (oversatt av Johan Lem)
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Fortune; thru the gates of death
another Greber-info-site:
Communication With The Spirit World of God
Bøker - Anmeldelse
merknad: Bokanmeldelsen kommer fra Dr. Erich Lubahn fra magasinet
"Wegbegleiter" fra januar / februar 1999, nr. 1, bind IV, s. 54 ff.)
Bok av Werner Schiebeler om Johannes Greber, hans liv og arbeid
Werner Schiebeler, bok; "Johannes Greber - hans liv og hans arbeid", Verlag Martin Weber, Fabrikstr. 1, 77746 Schutterwald 1998, ISBN 3-9805119-1-X, farge. brosch., 185 s., 34 ills., 19,80 DM / sFr
religioner har sin opprinnelse i åpenbaringer, profetiske taler og
visjoner. Gjennom dem kommuniserer krefter fra den usynlige verden med mennesker i vår verden som er søkende.
Disse kreftene søker å gi et svar på det sentrale
spørsmålet om hensikten med 'menneskelig eksistens' her på planeten vår; det
handler om spørsmålet om hvor hvert individ kommer fra og hvor de skal etter døden.
Det som Johannes Greber var i stand til å oppleve gjennom
personlige visjoner og formidling fra "tjenende ånder" (Hebr.
1:14), beskriver han om i sin bok "Samtaler med den åndelige
verden, lover og formål ". link no.+lydklipp
Werner Schiebeler går spesielt inn på
dette. Han setter Johannes Grebers ideer inn i historisk kontekst.
Dette gjør det klart hvorfor Greber måtte skille seg fra kirken og
sette den kristne tro på revisjon.
faktum at dette i hovedsak ble
utløst av "spiritualistiske kunngjøringer", gjør mange lesere skeptiske.
Spiritisme blir generelt avvist i kristne kretser. Dette kommer fra en
forhåndsdømming som er formet av vår religiøse kultur: "Onde ånder" og
ånder" snakker gjennom spiritisme. Johannes Greber advarer om disse
skremslene i alle publikasjonene sine. Werner Schiebeler skriver
også om det, og har et spesielt skriv om dette emnet:"Påliteligheten til mediale overføringer og undersøkelse av ånder" (tilgjengelig fra forlaget, 4, - DM / sFr).
Det bibelske prinsippet gjelder for alle: "Test alt og behold det som er godt" (1.Thess 5:21). Greber og Werner Schiebeler gir verdifult, nytt tankestoff for kritisk tenkende mennesker. Som jeg kan se, blir dette temaet om "ånder" ofte neglisjert i
de kristne kirkene. En avklaring er nødvendig her. Johannes Greber tilbyr
Enhver "kristen" bør ha kritiske impulser til å tenke, revurdere og Ikke vær redd, og den nye boken til Werner Schiebeler om Johannes Greber anbefales på det sterkeste! (...)
Werner Schiebeler behandler ikke bare religiøst-teologiske spørsmål i
boken sin, men har også mange bilder og
dokumenter om Johannes Grebers liv, både i Tyskland før han emigrerte
til USA og senere i Amerika. I Tyskland er hans arbeid som grunnlegger av en hjelpeorganisasjon og som medlem av Riksdagen spesielt verdt å nevne.
Hendelsene etter Grebers plutselige død i 1944 og etableringen av Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation blir også diskutert.
Dr. Erich Lubahn
transmitted via psychic deep trance mediums that gives spiritual answers on the background for this,
from higher levels of the spiritual or fine-material world.
Here then about the person, Johannes Greber, who was behind this book and did this research.
So the question: HOW CAN recently (!?) deceased people,
that "I am here" - FROM THEIR NOW, 'dead / intangible', condition??
And the short answer is that in the transition to the next plane,
they are in a 'sub-material body', which the Theosophists call the
etheric body, and which is quite complicatedly described in their books,
but most "understandable" in Powell's book. : THE ETHERIC BODY. link.
AND THIS BODY which they call "part-material" - CAN also be densified /
materialized, so that it or parts of it, such as just the hand, CAN move
physical things!
More about this topic:
Through tv-programs such as 'åndenes makt' (some similar
i engl), which have been broadcast on both Norwegian and Swedish TV
channels for a long time, (1990s>ca2021on) we have seen many examples of this. When they
are no longer 'completely physical and visible' but often only as
shadows or transparent bodies, one might not think that they could
affect "our" physical matter, but as seen in mentioned programs, it
happens to the highest degree. (See also what Martinus writes about this
topic of materializing the fine-material / spiritual body down to our
PHYSICAL LEVEL, further down here.¬)
This can happen because we all ALSO have bodies on every of the other 5
main- dimensions that we live on in parallel - BUT AS WE ARE NORMALLY
NOT DAY CONSCIOUS AND also do not have concrete memories from this,
because the memorycenter in the said body is LATENT, Martinus,
about this theme. When we so-called 'die', then the "day /
'here-and-now' consciousness is transferred to this
"inner shell"- and which is at the same time pulled out of the now
"soulless", physical body sheath. This thereby "liberated" body, or
soul, should normally be led to a separate world as an adapted
"frequency zone", on which the individual / person / being should rest,
until it is again ready/wants a new physical incarnation. It is such
spiritual 'specialists', more experienced / 'older' souls, or so-called
'guardian angels' who have this task of helping the dying to the next
level. BUT FEAR, strong negative thoughts, AND YOUR OWN STRONG WILL, CAN PREVENT THIS! This is what we see as examples in these mentioned programs..
BETWEEN this (coarce-)body we live with "here" and
the next (=the astral body), there is a "coupling body", briefly
mentioned above and is what the theosophists call THE ETHERIC BODY. By
through which that the astral/emotional body "glues" to the
physical. (we can also call it a coupling body then)
We can also say that it is the spiritual "original" or the mold, of
which the physical body becomes a copy, and thus not the other way
around! Here in Greber's book, this is called the ODIC BODY. And as we
can read in Greber's book and for which there is innumerable evidence,
beings in the transition zone, and from the overlying plane, can
materialize this, and directly affect the physical dimension. Among
other things, this book by Greber goes into just this.
YES, as I said, I have long been looking for logical answers
to this and found in particular a logical, good source that provides a
useful answer to this question: in this German German book from 1932,
which one has also taken the job of translating to norwegian.
And those who actually KNOW that astrology has a real impact on life -
that is, HOW, we 'technically' are affected by the macrocosm
/ 'stars' - yes, this is also logically discussed in parts of this
book. Link about just that theme from the Greber-book.
Have uploaded a copy of the english edition of his book, + audiobook, found online;
audio english. (Esp. if search inside this book, then seek up to this passage: “Whenever your own spirit wants to grasp…”)
Communication with the other side- to different levels in the so-called spiritual world.
This is about the special German researcher Johannes Greber and his paranormal, media research on this topic. . (delkopi av dansk txt.)
< picture of Greber as a young man (born in 1874 - and passed away in 1944)
about this spiritual researcher:
Communication with the spirit world has always existed for humanity.
Today, communication with the other side is given the name
"spiritualism", a term no doubt invented by Allan Kardec (a pseudonym
given to the French Leon Denizard Rivail, 1804-1869), considered
one of the earliest proponents of spiritualism in the modern era. The
term "spiritualism" is sometimes used interchangeably with
"spiritualism", but when "spiritualism" was first used about a
philosophical movement, as opposed to materialism, the term
"spiritualism" is the more favored term, as the objects of communication
are the 'spirits' themselves. The term "spiritual" may in fact refer to
"that which pertains to spirits." Although the term 'spirits' can be
somewhat misleading, as it is easy to get the impression that they are
only "like air". In reality, they are, on their own frequency, as "fixed
and real" as our "bodies" here in the so-called physical world!
The term "spiritualism" is often used about any
New Age theology. And especially everything that has to do with
"channeling") and a myriad of other schools of occult or psychic
thinking, especially theosophy. Names like Helena Petrova Blavatsky,
Rudolph Steiner and Edgar Caycy are sometimes associated with the term
"spiritualism"; an association that is rather motley, for in the case of
Blavatsky, communication with spirits is frayed. Spiritism then becomes
a general word for the New Age and is understood by many Christians as
an opponent of Christianity.
This site shows, however, that the opposition is not between
spiritualism and Christianity, but rather between 'God's holy spirit
world' (ie the spiritual, finished part of what Martinus * calls THE
REAL HUMANITY,) and the 'evil / selfish,' ignorant spirit world. Also
called Luciferian, an ancient term sometimes expressed in antiquity as a
division between the "sons" of light "and the" sons of darkness ".
Martinus calls this transition zone" on the other side as "the purgatory
zone "- a state or
"place" where the selfish sides are to be removed, or as it was said in
the old days: to be" burned out "of the day-consciousness'.
DThis is done by the beings getting their own actions back, 'reaping as
one has sown.' Autumn, which is full of suffering, slowly but surely
develops the COMPASSION in the, before selfish and 'dark' being.
From the beginning, Christianity has been between these two
kingdoms, but always encouraged to choose 'the way of the Holy Ghost'.
Both areas are "spirit"/consciousness zones.
So therefore no particular spirit is intended for the term
"spiritism" (despite the pop culture's use of the term for 'spirits' -
what still lives as "remaining remnants of consciousness" from the
so-called dead). Instead, the existence of spirits is the basis of
expression, and covers the whole spectrum of the multidimensional spirit
realms, whether good or bad; be it of God or 'Lucifer'. It is clear
that judgment here will then be a top priority
But there is a clear name identified with a much
higher form and purer spiritualism than what is often found in many
superficial and 'easy-going' spiritualists. This name is Johannes
Greber. Johannes Greber's life is fascinating; a life that could only
have been ruled by holy spirits 'sent by God on behalf of Christ'.
One word before we move on.
This site ( is
intended to promote the purest form of spiritual communication:
communication with the pure spirit world. To this end, Greber's writings
are the best examples. It's not a mystery why honest, thoughtful
Christians turn away from spiritualism, especially in light of the New
Age channeling that became quite popular in the 1980s. Those like
Ramtha, Ashtar, Bashar, the Pleiadians, and others give a perception of
each one by renaming them an impersonal cosmic force or consciousness
and, in the case of Christ, just becoming another prophet in the ranks.
The spiritism experienced and promoted by Greber was purely Christian, through and through; that is, Christ is the Son of God and God is Father over all.
The one and only reason to practice spiritism is to communicate with
the holy spirits of God, and through this communication, grow closer to
Christ and understand why He is known as our Savior. Therefore, this
site is not meant to be a shrine to Johannes Greber lest we
be guilty of the very thing spoken of in Jude 9. Instead, we want to
recognize and promote his work as the best and most pure available on
the subject of spiritism as well as dealing with some of the big
questions in life:
Who am I? Why am I here? Is there an afterlife? If so, then what is it like?
That said, let's look at a brief history of the trailblazer, Johannes Greber.
Greber was born in Wenigerath, Germany, on May 2, 1874 and died in New
York on March 31, 1944. Greber studied for the Priesthood in a Seminary
in Trier, Germany, and was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in 1900.
The picture to the left is from this period.
after his ordination, Greber was instrumental in providing help to the
poor and to the sick in the Hunsrueck, a rural, mountainous section
with poor soil and whose inhabitants were mostly small farmers. Greber
became aware of their hardships with disease, primarily tuberculosis,
and arranged for the training of young, qualified women to become
nurses at the nearest hospitals. Greber possessed a knowledge of
natural healing methods and used herbs and natural remedies to cure the
diseased. In a period of a few short years, tuberculosis was nearly
eradicated among the inhabitants of the Hunsrueck.
During World War 1, Greber felt the need to transport those of the
Hunsrueck, who were starving from lack of food, to Holland where there
was an abundance of food. After much prayer, without the help of the
Church and State, who felt his plan could not work, Greber transported
children in groups of 75-100 to Holland. Greber selected the neediest
children first, regardless of their religious background. He was able
to transport more than 14,000 children from his area, the Hunsrueck, to
Holland. At times, when money was short, Greber financed the transport
with his personal income. He founded a self-help organization,
Hilfsbund, that contintued to provide help to the poor and sick after
the war in 1918.
In 1918, Greber, with God's help, was able to protect his village from
marauding looters (so-called "political prisoners" who had been released
from jail after Wolrd War I. In one instance, he was inspired to
direct members of his parish to fend off these looters who would go into
small villages and steal food and wares from individual houses. Greber
met with the men of one village and advised them how to fend off the
looters. Pastor Greber, inspired by God's spirits, advised the men that
when they become aware that the looters are approaching town, someone
must run to the post office and telephone the next town that the looters
are coming. Then, that town should telephone the next town, and the
next town, and the next town, so that all of the villagers in every town
are prepared for the coming of the looters. Then, he told the men in
the village to grab axes and hoes and stand on street corners and look
the looters in their eyes with a determined look. The looters arrived
but were intimidated by the stand the villagers were taking against
them; non-violent, yet very effective and decisive. The looters veered
off into the next town and encountered the same thing: villagers there
were just as prepared with axes and hoes standing on street corners.
Town after town, the same thing.
So the looters tried again the
following week but to no avail; the villagers were once again
successful. The looters convened a meeting to put an end to this
intimidation and decided that Pastor Greber was behind it. So, the
looters decided that Pastor Greber should be killed as soon as
possible. One day, Pastor Greber was to go to a neighboring town on
foot (this was before the car). He walked through the fields towards
the woods and he looked around and saw somebody was running after him.
This somebody finally caught up with him. The first thing he said to
Greber was, "Now we are going to finish you. You're the one behind this
here game you are playing. We are going to finish you! You are not
going to do this any longer! This is the end of you!" The man,
standing about four feet away from Pastor Greber, took his army rifle
and pointed it at Pastor Greber's face. Greber was inspired and stood
there, still, and looked at the criminal very sternly, fearless and
determined with a look that the man had never seen before in a victim.
This perplexed the would-be murderer, who went ahead and pulled the
trigger of his army rifle: click, click, click. Nothing happened; no
bullets were discharged. The criminal was bewildered, he didn't know
what to say. He looked at Greber. Greber stood there staring him down,
determined and fearless. The criminal, perplexed and a little
frightened, dropped his gun and ran away. Pastor Greber picked up the
gun and pulled the trigger: bang! bang! bang! There was nothing wrong
with the gun. God's spirits had spared Pastor Greber's life whose work
had yet to be fulfilled. For Pastor Greber was not like any
incarnation: he came to this earth on a mission for his fellow Man, and
no impish criminal was going to stop him.
picture to the left is of Johannes Greber (standing in the middle with
right hand in his coat) surrounded by his siblings during
Greber's silver anniversary celebration as a Roman Catholic Priest in
Kell in 1925. Late in the summer of 1923, Greber was visited by a
parishoner who urged Greber to attend a prayer meeting that the
parishoner was in the habit of attending. A prayer meeting--sounds
appropriate for a Catholic priest to be a part of. The parishoner,
however, described what went on during the prayer meetings: a young farm
boy with an elementary school education would often lapse into a state
of trance to make way for a spirit to enter into him. The spirit would
then make use of the farm boy's organs for speech and "impart wonerful
tidings to it's hearers." The messages exceeded far above and beyond
that of the intellectual capacity of the boy as well as the knowledge of
the others who were present for the prayer meeting. Initially, Greber
would have nothing of it. He dismissed such things as quackery and
charlatanism from what he had read of it in the newspapers. Greber was
also concerned with his position in the community. A Catholic priest
who attends sittings for communicating with spirits, popularly known as
seances, might run the risk of making himself look ridiculous. The
parishoner kept urging Pastor Greber to at least sit in and observe, ask
questions in order to ascertain the veracity of the proceedings.
Greber relented, but only at the last moment while still remaining
skeptical. The picture below is Greber's parish in Kell, Germany, as it
looked during his work there.
Greber expected to expose as a piece of charlantry and fraud turned out
to be an encounter with one of God's high spirit messengers. The
spirit's words left Greber speechless and awed. This was no kind of
conversation one has with a little farm boy--it certainly wasn't the
farm boy speaking from himself, whom Greber had become acquainted with
before the meeting took place: this speech is coming from that
farm boy's head? Impossible. The episode left an indelible impression
on the otherwise very skeptical, very cautious, and very Roman Catholic
Johannes Greber. After continued attendance for the next two and a
half years, Greber was given permanent leave from the Catholic Church
to tend full time to his self-help organization. God had given him a
harmonious leave for a higher direction; (he was never excommunicated).
1929, Greber emigrated to the United States where he started a number
of prayer groups in and around New York city. He eventually settled in
Teaneck, New Jersey, where he conducted prayer meetings and began a
church, accompanied by many healings of attendees that occurred through
his agency as a manifestation of the holy spirit world through him. If
the number of people healed were accounted for, it would fill a book.
He began work on a book that chronicled his initial experience and
decision to proceed with spirit communication: Der Verkehr mit der Geisterwelt (New York, NY: Macoy, 1932). An English translation was also published in 1932, Communication with the Spirit World Of God: Its Laws and Purpose. Personal Experiences of a Catholic Priest.
The English translation was prepared by George Knoblach. The German
second edition of Greber's book has since been given a new and fresh
English translation by Johannes Greber's son, Josef Greber along with
Elsa Lattey. It became available in 2007 and is appended to this page
as a pdf.
also put his Greek skills to use and, along with his link to the holy
spirit world, made a translation of the New Testament. Greber's
translation was first rendered into German, then quickly into English.
The Greek text used for his translation was the bilingual text Codex
Bezae, in both Greek and Latin. At the time of Greber's translation,
Bezae was the oldest extant Greek text of the New Testament. Bezae,
however, had major gaps, for only the four gospels and Acts are found
there. As a translation of Codex Bezae, the English version of Greber's
translation is noted in a monograph of one of biblical studies' most
eminent New Testament text critics, Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration
(3rd enlarged edition; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992) p. 50 n.
2. In the Introduction of his New Testament translation, pp. 5-16,
Greber chronicles his making of this translation as well as delineating
with clear insight the short comings of ancient books to preserve truth
communicated to ages past. Such was also lamented by the author of 4
Ezra 14 who realized the fact that the written word of God had been
burned. The only way to retrieve that word once more is from the spirit
world of God itself:
the world lies in darkness, and its inhabitants are without light. For
your Law has been burned (recall Jeremiah 36:23), and so no one knows
the things which have been done or will be done by you. If then I have
found favor before you, send a holy spirit to me (inmette in me spiritum sanctum), and
I will write everything that has happened in the world from the
beginning, the things which were written in your Law, that people may be
able to find the path, and that those who wish to live in the last days
may live (vv. 21–22).
and manuscripts that record "God's word" are transient and susceptible
to human corruption (see Jeremiah 8:8) and physical destruction, in this
case, fire. But God will communicate his word anew; He will "send a holy spirit"
whenever necessary. Such is the attitude taken by Greber in his
Introduction, and such is proclaimed in both the Old and New
the age of 57, Johannes Greber married Elizabeth, who had earlier (at
the age of 15) blurtted out that she was to marry Pastor Greber while
living in Germany. This shocked her very Catholic mother: Priests can't
get married! How dare you! The holy spirits had organized this
marriage apparently at both Johannes' and Elizabeth's birth: it was
meant to be. Elizabeth bore him two sons, Emanuel ("Manny") and Joseph.
In this photo is Elizabeth and her two sons, Joseph who is to her
left, and Manny who is to her right. Below the photo of Elizabeth
Greber and her two sons is a photo of Joseph and Manny taken while they
were young children in children's sailor suits: Emanuel Greber b. June
5, 1933, is to the right, and Joseph Greber, b. November 15, 1934, is to
the left. Both sons witnessed the manifestations of good
spirits during the prayer meetings of their father and mother. Joseph's
personal testimony as recorded on video tape by Dr. Tony Scarborough
(September 29, 1991, in Colorado) presents his account of witnessing the
full materialization of a female North American Indian spirit named
"Silver Leaf." Pastor Greber spoke to Silver Leaf first and then the
fully materialized spirit asked to see his children. She came to
both Emanuel and Joseph and draped her two, very long braided pony tails
around each child's shoulder. Joseph, then age 9, described her as
every bit a human being as
one of the sitters present. The only difference was that Silver Leaf
felt cold to the touch; as if she had just come indoors from 45
degree cool weather. The Indian spirit Silver Leaf was not a holy
spirit from the higher heavens, but rather a kindly spirit well disposed
toward children. Silver Leaf may not have been able to communicate the
type of Salvific messages that comes from spirits who originate in the
higher Heavens, but her appearance certainly provided empirical evidence
for the existence of spirits who reside in another dimension and a
demonstration of how spirits can manifest in our physical dimension.
Silver Leaf made spirit "small talk" as Joseph described it. She may
have been a mundane spirit, but a kindly one nevertheless. The point of
holding prayer seances, however, is to draw the participant closer to
God. The expectation of "spiritistic spectacles" at such prayer
meetings should be avoided, for such expectation is not the point for
these meetings. If one's only interest in participating in spiritistic
services is to seek proof for the existence of a spirit world, e.g. to
witness a materialization, then one has mistaken the purpose for such
services. That purpose is: pray to God, ask for Him to Send His holy
ones from on High so that they might share messages that teach the way
to God and character development. If a materialization is to occur,
that alone is up to God. If a holy spirit is to manifest through a
deep-trance medium, that alone is up to God. I am reminded of an
incident of a prayer circle that was told by its communicating spirit
through its deep-trance medium that a materilazation was to occur on a
particular date. On the night of the expected materialization, there
were others present with video cameras and recording devices ready to
capture this materialization on video and film. Expectations were high
that evening, and some were "giddy" at the prospect of witnessing the
full bodily materialization of a spirit for themselves and recording it
as well for prosterity. The prayer meeting opened as usual, and the
communicating spirit opened with his usual greetings from on High, and
then addressed those present in the following manner: "Have you come to
praise God or study phenomena?" It was as if the spirit was
reprimanding those who were solely interested in proof of spirits. It
is true that we all would love more evidence for the existence of
spirits. Myself included. But, this particular episode teaches us a
very important point: Pray seances are more Godly than people realize,
and so such services should be carried out with the utmost devotion to
God, and NOT to phenomena or seeking proof of the existence of dead relatives and friends who have passed over into the Beyond.
Greber died in 2007. Emanuel (at this writing, August 15, 2008) is
still living. The materialization of Silver Leaf served to prove that
there was a spirit world and moved several attendess profoundly.
annals of spiritist and psychical literature from the 1930s till the
1980s are quite awesome in quantity. They are rife with the names of
experimenters, scientists, mediums, and the skeptics. But one will
search in vain to find the name "Johannes Greber" despite his
contribution to the field in understanding the laws and purpose of
communicating with holy spirits; a contribution that no one has yet to supersede for its clarity, consistency, and significance.
house in Teaneck, New Jersey, is seen here to the left. The person in
this photo is unidentified. This house was the location of the Johannes
Greber Memorial Foundation which Fred Haffner (see his photo below)
faithfully managed and ran for many years. The impact of Greber's work
has largely gone unnoticed by the marjority of researches in the field
of spirit communication and psychical research. Maybe the reason for
this is because Greber's work is too religious for the psychics and too
spiritistic for the religious, and is not objective enough in the minds
of the scientists who want to remain aloof of religious language, God
talk, and
Christianity. Whatever the case may be, Greber's work has not
gone unnoticed by many serious-minded persons who have become
convinced by this work that God does communicate
today through His holy spirits as He did in the days of the
ancient Israelites and the earliest Christians. Over the years Greber's
book has sold over a quarter of a million copies, in three languages
(English, French and German). To the left is an informal photograph of
Johannes Greber posing outside of his house in Teaneck, New Jersey, date
unspecified. The
photopgraph to the right shows Fred Haffner who was Elizabeth Greber's
friend and who also managed the Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation from
the 1950s through the 1980s. This photo is dated June 20, 1965.
According to his own taped testimony, Haffner missed meeting Pastor
Greber by a meer week. Haffner is seen wearing glasses and a tie; to
the right of Haffner is Frieda Ulm; to Haffner's immediate left is
Edward Niemann; and to Niemann's left is Hermann Ulm. Edward Niemann is
the deep-trance medium that Greber was guided to seek out, as he
describes in his book, Communication with the Spirit World of God.
Edward Niemann was the medium through whom a holy spirit announced to
both Johannes and Elizabeth during a prayer meeting that they were to be
married. The holy spirit speaking through Niemann actually performed a
"ceremony": Elizabeth, this is to be your husband; Johannes, this is to
be your wife. Within months, Johannes and Elizabeth were married.
only known biography of Johannes Greber was written by a Physicist
interested in the paranormal by the name of Werner Schiebeler. His
work, Johannes Greber: sein Leben und sein Werk
(Schutterswald: Martin Weber, 1998), a slim, paper-back volume of 182
pages, provides the interested reader with more information about the
life and work of Johannes Greber. The book is in German only and so
English audiences are, unfortunately, shut out for the time being
(unless, of course, one is able in German). The book also provides
photographs of Greber as a very young seminarian in Trier, an informal
pose of Greber with five other people in 1925 (p. 49), posing outside of
his house in Teaneck, New Jersey (p. 67), his two children as
youngsters dressed in little childhood, dark-blue sailor suits with
white trim and as teenagers posing with their mother, Elizabeth, on the
steps of their home in Teaneck (p. 60), and other photographs of
Greber's church in Germany, the little boys used as deep-trance speaking
mediums for speaking with Greber (photographed as adults), among other
photos. Many of these photos are found on this webpage (see above).
The Johannes
Greber Memorial Foundation was established in Teaneck and operated out
of Greber's house under the management of Fred Haffner during the 1950s,
60s, 70s, and early 80s. The Foundation was responsible for the
printing and sale of Greber's book and New Testament translation. Over
the decades the book went through seven printings in English, and
appeared in German, French, and other languages; the seventh edition of
which was a gold, paperback, printed in 1987. For decades, Haffner
dutifully mailed out the books.
the late 1980s, the Foundation was defunct. Joseph Greber related the
following incident to a friend of this writer. That incident is as
follows: A few weeks after Pastor Greber had passed away in
1944, he
allegedly spoke through his wife, Elizabeth, during a prayer meeting
(Elizabeth was a medium and was used often by the holy spirit world
assist Greber in his translation of the New Testament as well
relaying messages from the spirit world of God during prayer
This was the only time that Greber would ever speak to that particular
prayer group. His message was remembered by
his son,
Joseph, as the following:
is your friend Johannes Greber. What I have taught you all these years
was the truth. In all that you do (in your life?) put God first."
website, along with the reprinting of Greber's book by Jalan
( ), its availability on the Internet along with all of the
older editions (some with an inscription by Greber himself), as well as a
new, fresh translation of the German second edition made by Joseph
Greber and Elsa Lattey that is availabe on this webpage continues in the
same Spirit as the Greber Memorial Foundation. May God bless you.
norsk utgave link
eller speil-side side her
norsk lydbok/lydfiler mp3 her (kan lagres på egen pc/telefon som 'lagre lenke/mål som')
ja, det er endel intr.her, og spes.litt uti boka- fx fra side 49/50 og utover i denne hoved-boka hans:
Note that
the od body, probably the same as the 'coupling body' of martinus - or
THE SPIRITUAL WEIGHT BODY, and as the Theosophists call the ETHERIC
* * *
more on Greber - youtube:
this is not an officially approved
translation of this process, as this article has not yet been translated
as such from martinus institut as far as I/rø- have found out;
Materialisation og dematerialisation.
To understand the first form of 'resurrection', one must
understand that there is a process called 'materialization'. Through
this process, a discerned being, a so-called "spirit," can form a
temporary intermittent physical body, through which, in the luckiest
case, it can appear for a brief moment as a physical being. It can thus
speak, hear and look on the physical plane and is in fact
indistinguishable from an ordinary physical being.
This process is, as mentioned before, not linked to any particular moral
development. It is a property all human beings more or less possess,
although in the general public it is quite latent and very rarely
expressed or used outside the ordinary "materialization," that is,
"fetal formation," in the mother's womb.
But here it does not take place as an awake day-conscious
concentration or wild act. Here it is an automatic function, carried by
the mental energies that belong to the first cosmic basic energy,
'instinct' - in the same way as the other independently acting
organs in the organism or body. It is the same energy and automatic
function that promotes the organism creation of plants.
While this last form of 'materialization' is an automatically
recurring event in the reincarnation or rebirth of any individual, the
other form of 'materialization', as mentioned, is only an act of will,
maintained by a vigilant, day-conscious concentration of thought.
Although this interim act of materialization does not depend on any
excellent morality, it is very much dependent on a highly developed
ability to concentrate, an ability that can be practiced by a special
training. And even with this ability, additional special conditions are
required for the act to take place.
Therefore, a discerning spirit cannot materialize anytime, anywhere. It
can only materialize on the physical plane, where the matter on
which a materialization is based, exists. This matter exists in some
earth people as a kind of finer physical substance, which we can call
'A-substance', only in small quantity, while in others it occurs until
(this must be what Greber and others call od-energy. rø)
The said substance has the property that it can quickly connect
with and be controlled or shaped by a special psychic or spiritual
force, which we can call the 'A-force'. In this connection, a
densification occurs in the "A-substance", whereby this becomes
physically visible.
It is this visibility that we see as a 'materialization'.
With regard to the 'A-force', it will be to lead back to an automatic
triggering process, which at the given moment of materialization, is
kept going by a discarnated being's concentration of will, behind which
is the 'talentseeds' for the creation and 'construction' of the physical
organism. The success or perfection of the materialization, will
therefore totally depend on the strength of the concentration of the
discerned being and also on whether there is enough 'A-substance'
Whether there is enough of this substance will again depend on whether
there is one or more people present who have the necessary 'A-substance'
in abundant quantities (-in his/her aura). It is these people who are
expressed by the concept of 'materialization medies'. When such a being
makes himself available to the discarnated spirit, and the same spirit
can thereby, with its "A-force," come into contact with the
"A-substance" of the medium, the "materialization" begins, and carried
by the (automatic-) concentration of the discarnated spirit.
The talent seeds of the discarnated spirit for building the physical
body, which is otherwise at rest under the discarnated state of the
spirit, now comes into operation. Out of the so-called physical-mental,
chemical connection between the medium's 'A-substance' and the
discarnated spirit's 'A-force', a 'restoration' of a physical body for
the spirit arises with the help of the talent seeds. This physical body
then naturally becomes most easily a faithful copy of the last physical
body of the spirit, from which it was separated at its physical death,
although under certain fortunate conditions it may also become a perfect
copy of other former physical organisms.
Since the "A-substance" is a "borrowed" substance from the medium ,
and during the materialization, is still attached to the medium, it
will then return to this, its origin, to the same extent as the
"A-force" of the discarnated spirit is exhausted and the concentration
that maintains the materialization , are not longer hold. The
materialized body is then dissolved, and the "A-substance" becomes
invisible again and returns to its origin 'place' or source. It is this
side of materialization that we express as 'dematerialization'.
see also this;
Den ordinære materialisation eller fosterdannelsen i moders liv.
Da den ovenfor beskrevne materialisation på en måde er kunstig, kan den
synliggjorte organisme eller de materialiserede dele af denne kun være
af interemistisk eller akut natur. Væsenet kan ikke uafbrudt i dagevis
opretholde materialisationen, således som tilfældet er med
materialisationen, når den forekommer som fosterdannelse i moders liv på
ordinær måde, og hvor den medvirkende mediumitet ikke betinges af, at
et andet væsen giver sig selv hen i trance eller bevidstløshed, for at
frigørelsen af materialisationsmaterialet kan finde sted. Bag skabelsen
af denne sidste form for materialisation står der anderledes
fundamentale kræfter og betingelser, som giver det materialiserede
legeme den permanente stabilitet, som netop præger væsenernes fysiske
legeme. Disse betingelser udløses af forældrenes talentkerner igennem
forplantningsorganerne og koncentrerer sig i det kvindelige organ
»livmoderen«. Dette organ er et rent vidunderredskab i reinkarnations-
eller genfødelsesprocessens materialisations- eller opbyggelsesstruktur.
Nævnte organ træder ved den ordinære materialisation (fosterdannelsen) i
mediets sted. Moderen kan herigennem yde materialisationsmaterialet
uden selv at skulle være i trance eller bevidstløshed. Da denne
materialisation er koncentreret over måneder, bliver den daglige ydelse
af materialisationsmateriale til fosteret af en så ringe mængde, at det
normalt ikke volder nogen gene eller selvopgivelse ud over den
almindelige anstrengelse, som det naturligvis må være at skulle bære
fosteret i sin egen organisme og efterhånden nære dette nye legeme
igennem sit eget kød og blod, igennem sin indtagne næring. Moderen må
således til en vis grad spise og drikke for to eller flere, alt efter
det antal fostre, der eventuelt samtidig er under tilblivelse i
Den interimistiske materialisation vil engang blive en slags
»jomfrufødsel«, der kan hæve reinkarnationen op over den nuværende form
for fysisk fødsel og død.
Med hensyn til den interemistiske materialisation kræves der kun [slut
på side 84] sekunder der, hvor den ordinære materialisation kræver dage
og måneder. Den førstnævnte sker derfor så at sige i lyntempo. Her skal
der derfor en hel anden stofydelse til, en hel anden indsats og ydelse
af mediet, som her er i moderens sted. Hvis ikke det væsentligste af
stoffet ved dematerialisationen gik tilbage til mediet, ville det endog
kunne betyde en mere eller mindre livsfarlig katastrofe for mediet. Vi
kan ikke her komme nærmere ind på dette problem, men må henvise til
kommende analyser i mit hovedværk »Livets Bog«. Dog skal vi her nævne,
at en sådan materialisation i virkeligheden er en »fysisk fødsel«. Denne
»fysiske fødsel« afviger fra den ordinære fysiske fødsel ved at være en
slags »jomfrufødsel«. Denne »fødsel« i form af en interemistisk
materialisation skyldes jo ikke nogen kønslig befrugtning eller
forplantning. Den er ikke baseret på en forudgående kønslig parringsakt
mellem et hankøns- og et hunkønsvæsen. Denne »jomfrufødsel« i form af
»materialisation« er endnu en meget sjælden foreteelse og så at sige
ukendt af almenheden. Men dette forandrer ikke den omstændighed, at den
hist og her i lukkede kredse eller cirkler, ved et samarbejde mellem
fysiske og psykiske væsener, er ved at blive udviklet til en sådan
stabilitet og kapacitet, at den engang i fremtiden, når menneskene har
nået et langt højere etisk stadium end deres nuværende, vil komme til at
bære reinkarnationen og fritage menneskene fra den nu gældende grove og
smertefyldte fødsels- og dødsproces. Menneskene vil da, i stedet for at
blive »fødte« ud fra et moderliv, smertefrit blive »materialiserede«.
Og deres »død« vil kun være en »dematerialisation«.
Reinkarnationsprocessen vil da ikke mere være det uhyggelige
dødsmysterium for almenheden, som den er i dag. I denne kommende
guldalder for jordmenneskene er Kristi rige, som før ikke var af denne
verden, nu blevet et rige på jorden, et »himmeriges rige« i den fysiske
verden eller på det materielle plan. Væsenernes udødelighed er da en
kendsgerning på samme fysiske plan. Men før menneskene kan komme ind
under denne underfulde, ophøjede livsform, må næstekærligheden være
komplet, thi den permanente eller varige form, som
materialisationsprincippet da vil udgøre, er netop udelukkende betinget
af næstekærligheden og de hermed forbundne ændringer i den
jordmenneskelige psyke. Det er netop, fordi næstekærligheden mellem
væsenerne ikke er fundamental, at materialisationerne i dag kun kan
frembringes som akute eller som øjebliksforeteelser og ikke under nogen
som helst varig eller blivende form. Den nuværende momentvise
materialisation er jo ikke baseret på moral, men derimod på villie og
Den sekundære og den primære opstandelse
Materialisationsprincippet og Jesu »Jomfrufødsel«
Nu vil man måske, grundet på det foranstående, fristes til at mene, at
Jesus så alligevel godt kunne have været »jomfrufødt«, og at hans
fysiske fremtræden blot var en kunstig opretholdt materialisation. Men
herpå vil svaret være, at dette ligger totalt udenfor mulighedens
grænse. Hans tilværelse fra fødslen, gennem barndommen og frem gennem
ungdommen til hans korsfæstelse og død i manddommen foregik jo ganske på
normal måde. Hvis denne periode af hans liv ikke var som beskrevet i
bibelen, ville man aldrig nogensinde være blevet i stand til at påføre
hans krop eller legeme nogen som helst form for lidelse eller
korsfæstelse, idet han da med lethed før enhver katastrofe havde kunnet
dematerialisere sit legeme for igen at materialisere det på tid og sted,
hvor det var uden for fare. Desuden kræves det, at det »A-stof«, som er
nødvendigt for en sådan fuldkommen, af villien underlagt permanent
materialisation og dematerialisation kun eksisterer i væsener, der i
udviklingen forlængst er ude over den dyriske eenpolede hankøns- og
hunkønstilstand. Sådanne betingelser kan ikke erkendes at have været til
stede ved Jesu fødsel. Jesu moder var ikke hævet over den eenpolede,
ægteskabelige parringstilstand, idet hun levede i ægteskab sammen med
Josef og med denne sin mand havde flere børn. Vi må derfor forstå, at
Jesus var et ligeså fysisk væsen som ethvert andet af moderlivet født
væsen og har ligeså nødvendigt haft en fysisk fader som en fysisk moder.
Først efter hans såkaldte »opstandelse« var han ved de givne
lejligheder på kunstig måde et materialiseret væsen, fremtrædende i et
midlertidigt på interimistisk måde ved hjælp af de tilstedeværendes
»A-stof« og hans egen »A-kraft« opretholdt fysisk legeme. Og ved hjælp
af dematerialisation har hans oprindelige fysiske legeme kunnet fjernes
fra graven og bringes til genmaterialisation et sted, hvor det kunne få
lov til at opløse sig i den for dette legemes natur fastsatte normale
opløsningsproces. Jesu tilsynekomst for sine venner og disciple efter
sin død på Golgatha skete altså kun i form af den sekundære,
interimistiske materialisationsform, som netop i dag er under udvikling
hist og her i intime, lukkede kredse eller cirkler verden over.
Hvorfor materialisation er så sjældne, og kun forekommer i intime, lukkede kredse eller cirkler.
Når ovennævnte cirkler er så intime og lukkede, så fremmede meget
vanskeligt får adgang til seancerne, skyldes det den omstændighed, at
materialistisk indstillede skeptikere har tendens til, i misforstået
nidkærhed efter at »afsløre bedraget«, at gribe i de materialiserede
skikkelser eller ånder, hvilket kan være overordentlig farligt for
mediet, da åndens materialisation netop består af mediets »A-stof« og
øvrige psykiske materiale, som midlertidigt er udlånt til ånden. Hvis
dette materiale bliver udsat for vold under materialisationen, ødelægger
eller hindrer det ikke blot åndens koncentration og »A-kraft« i at
komme til udfoldelse, hvorved materialisationen bliver umulig, men
mediet kan også ved en sådan brutal indgriben komme alvorligt til skade.
Sagen er nemlig den, at når der først er opstået en forbindelse og
fuldkommen kontakt imellem åndens »A-kraft« og mediets »A-stof« kan
materialisationen efterhånden blive af et sådant omfang, at den til en
vis grad kan bevirke en begyndende dematerialisation af selve mediets
fysiske legeme. Dettes celler begynder da at opløse sig i »A-stof« og
bliver derved tilgængelig for åndens koncentration og »A-kraft« og opgår
som materiale i den ny materialiserede skikkelse. Under en sådan seance
er en del af mediets fysiske og psykiske legemes partikler altså
placeret i den materialiserede skikkelse. At mediet derved kan svæve i
den frygteligste livsfare, hvis ikke der er foranstaltet behørig
beskyttelse under seancen imod uvidende menneskers brutale indgreb, er
selvfølgeligt. Hvis det af mediet udlånte legemsmateriale kommer i
uorden eller bliver iblandet fremmede kræfter under seancen, vil det ved
tilbagematerialisationen til mediets legeme udvise en tilsvarende
uorden. I samme grad som cellerne eller materialet her ikke befinder sig
i sin normale struktur eller organisation, i samme grad vil mediets
legeme de pågældende steder udvise beskadigelse. Materialisationsseancer
er derfor ikke noget, man kan lege med som en behagelig underholdning.
Det er en meget alvorlig proces, som absolut kun bør foregå i
overværelse af virkeligt kyndige og forstående personer, der er indviede
i alle faremomenter.
Jesus og den sekundære og den primære »opstandelse«.
Med hensyn til Jesu »opstandelse« påskemorgen med hans efterfølgende
materialisationer eller tilsynekomster for disciplene, vil den som nævnt
kun være at regne for en manifestationsart, som endnu kun er af meget
interimistisk natur og først senere vil blive en fundamental almen
hverdagsbegivenhed på jordens fysiske plan. Den udviste kun en
evne eller egenskab, som mange gange både før og senere i sit princip er
blevet udført af andre diskarnerede væsener, ja, endog af langt ringere
moralsk kvalitet, end den Jesus repræsenterede. I verdensgenløserens
mission spiller den derfor kun en sekundær rolle.
Derimod afslørede verdensgenløserens liv og væremåde en anden af et
langt større format og udelukkende på kærlighed baseret »opstandelse fra
de døde«. Denne »opstandelse« er ikke en midlertidig ved lånte materier
og tankekoncentration opretholdt villiesakt, men udgør derimod en
igennem en reinkarnationskæde af fysiske liv fremtrædende
forvandlingsproces, der fra en mørk, primitiv, dyrisk tilværelse lader
individet ved udvikling gradvis vågne op til at blive et
højintellektuelt i kærlighed kulminerende væsen i »Guds billede«. Det er
denne »opstandelse«, der er det primære mål for Guds villie med hensyn
til det jordiske menneske. Kun denne »opstandelse« kan give individet
den fulde oplevelse af dets identitet som tidens og rummets skaber og
herre og dermed oplevelsen af at være »eet med Faderen«, være identisk
med selve evigheden og uendeligheden. Det levende væsen eller gudesønnen
får altså igennem denne »opstandelse«, en oplevelse, der langt
overstråler den oplevelse eller »opstandelse«, der kun består i at vise
sig i et interimistisk legeme, baseret på et øjebliks lån af andre
menneskers fysisk-psykiske materier. Hvad ved en sådan interimistisk
materialiseret ånd, hvis den ikke i forvejen har passeret den store
»opstandelse« eller »den store fødsel«? – Er det ikke en kendsgerning,
at dematerialiserede ånder i almindelighed ikke har kunnet fortælle
noget, der særligt rakte op over det, man allerede på det fysiske plan
vidste i forvejen? – Noget virkeligt svar på livsmysteriets løsning har
man ikke fået ad denne vej. Dertil kommer også, at en interimistisk
materialisation ikke således som det ordinære fysiske legeme kan
opretholdes i kraft af legemets egen automatfunktion, hvorved ånden
eller jeg'et har dagsbevidstheden helt fri til andet brug, men må
opretholdes i kraft af en mere eller mindre anstrengende bevidst
villiekoncentration. Når en ånd skal opretholde en stærk koncentration
på et bestemt objekt, bliver det meget vanskeligt for denne, ja, for
nogle måske endda helt umuligt, samtidig at skulle koncentrere sig om
indviklede, intellektuelle emner. I samme grad som en ånd skal
koncentrere sig om tankefelter uden for selve materialisationen, svækkes
eller umuliggøres jo denne materialisation eller synliggørelse. At
kristusmaterialisationerne blev så vellykkede, som tilfældet var,
skyldes udelukkende den omstændighed, at han havde en meget
overlegen og trænet koncentrationsevne i forbindelse med de usædvanlige
betingelser for materialisation, som de tilstedeværende disciples og
venners »A-stof« ydede ham, samtidig med at han forud var i besiddelse
af »den store opstandelse«, der havde gjort alle åndelige spørgsmål
dagligdags og ligetil for ham. Han behøvede i de givne
materialisationsøjeblikke ikke her at anstrenge sin koncentrationsevne.
Han havde derfor i større udstrækning, end det ellers er tilfældet, mere
frigjort kraft og styrke til fordel for materialisationen.
Kristendommens fejlagtige opfattelse af den sekundære opstandelse på bekostning af opfattelsen af den primære opstandelse.
Den sekundære opstandelse, den endnu ufuldkomne materialisationsform, er
i virkeligheden blevet det centrale punkt i den kristne
verdensopfattelse og har dermed stillet »den store primære opstandelse« i
skygge. Det er også betagelsen af den sekundære eller »den lille
opstandelse«, der helt har overskygget eller tilsløret opfattelsen af
reinkarnationen eller genfødslen fra liv til liv således, at man inden
for kristendommen helt benægter denne og tror, at det levende væsen kun
har eet fysisk jordliv. Denne tro har igen foranlediget en ny overtro
angående retfærdiggørelsen af tilværelsens eller det daglige livs
tilsyneladende uretfærdigheder, således at man heller ikke kan give
noget som helst fyldestgørende intellektuelt eller logisk svar på de
højst forskellige tilsyneladende uretfærdige skæbner, som de levende
væsener er underkastet. Man søger at råde bod på alt dette ved hjælp af
sakramenter og dåbshandlinger i forbindelse med troen på Guds
formildelse til, grundet på Jesu korsfæstelse, at lade nåde gå for ret
og tilgive væsenerne deres synder. Intet under, at verdensgenløseren
kunne forudsige den »antikrist«, der måtte afføde »de sidste tider«s
»dommedag« eller ragnarok, det religiøse og politiske kaos, den
kulmination af det dræbende princip, menneskeheden i dag sukker og
stønner under trods tusinder af præsters prædikener om næstekærlighed.
Nej, væsenernes skæbne er ikke et spørgsmål om en vred gud, der skal
formildes ved attentatet på verdensgenløseren, så han kan ynkes over
menneskene og tilgive dem deres synder. Væsenernes skæbne er aldeles
ikke et spørgsmål om »synd« og »tilgivelse«, men udelukkende et
spørgsmål om »årsag« og »virkning«. Det er et spørgsmål om »viden« og
»uvidenhed« i kosmisk kemi og teknik. Der, hvor væsenet ikke kender
årsag og virkning, handler det i blinde. At handle i blinde, når man
ikke kan se, kan ikke være at »synde«. Der vil derfor ikke kunne
eksistere nogen »synd« at blive vred over. En guddom, der bliver
vred, er ikke en gud, men en afgud. Det er et væsen, der selv er blindt.
Det er et væsen, der hører hjemme hos alle de andre væsener, der går i
blinde eller famler sig frem i mørket. Et menneske, der bliver vred, er
ikke et »menneske«, men et væsen, der endnu ikke er »opstået fra de
døde«. Det er et væsen, der gennem gravens skygge efterhånden vil bane
sig vej fremad mod lyset, mod »den store opstandelse«, »den totale
indvielse« eller »den store fødsel«.
»Den primære opstandelse« som det altoverskyggende mål for guddommens villie med hensyn til det jordiske menneske.
Den sekundære opstandelse eller Jesu »påskeopstandelse« er således ikke
nok. Det er ikke den, der er den sande kristendoms kærne eller
fundamentet for verdensgenløserens mission eller verdens frelse. Det var
forkyndelsen og demonstrationen af det »himmeriges rige«, der skulle
komme som noget inden i væsenerne. Det var ikke en okkult eller psykisk
evne til at materialisere sig, men en evne til at leve i kontakt med
universets love, en Evne til at være til glæde og velsignelse for
helheden, evnen til at være – ikke en gene for andre menneskers eller
levende væseners tilværelse – men derimod evnen til at være en
inspirerende, livgivende og glædesbefordrende og dermed tjenende
livskilde for alle levende væsener.
Igennem reinkarnationens princip at »fødes på ny af vand og ånd« og
dermed have mulighed for at vokse op fra en primitiv, dyrisk og dræbende
til en højintellektuel, kærlighedsdominerende livsform, som udgør
»mennesket i Guds billede«, var indholdet eller kærnen i Jesu samtale
med Nikodemus. Uden at »fødes påny af vand og ånd« kan ingen komme ind i
»Guds rige«. Dette vil igen sige, at mennesket må fødes i en ny fysisk
organisme, tjenlig for en bevidsthedsindstilling og opfattelse af livet
og tilværelsen som en guddommelig alkærlighedsmanifestation. Denne nye
fysiske organisme er således »den nye fødsel af vand«, ligesom den nye
bevidsthedsindstilling er det samme som »den nye fødsel af ånd«. Det er
denne nye fødsel, der udgjorde »den store opstandelse« eller åbenbaring i
verdensgenløserens fremtræden på jorden. Det var ikke en »opstandelse«,
han først opnåede efter sin korsfæstelse, men det var en »opståen fra
de døde«, han allerede havde tilegnet sig i svundne liv forud for sin
inkarnation på jorden. Og det er den samme »opstandelse«, der er bebudet
alle mennesker under udtrykket »Kristi genkomst«. Denne »Kristi
genkomst« er det samme som »væsenets tilegnelse af Jesu livsoplevelse og
den hermed forbundne væren »eet med Faderen«. Det er denne
kosmiske bevidsthedstilstand, der udgør det »himmeriges rige«, som
det jordiske menneske må stille sig for øje som dets store fremtidsmål.
Det er denne »Kristi genkomst«, vi kender fra »Livets Bog« som »den
store fødsel«. Det er forberedelserne til denne store »opstandelse fra
dyr til menneske«, alle jordmennesker nu igennem ragnarok eller dommedag
er under udvikling hen imod. Og det er tilegnelsen af denne
»opstandelse«, der som nævnt er det altoverskyggende mål for den
guddommelige villie i dag med hensyn til det jordiske menneske. Denne
»opstandelse« kan altså udelukkende kun tilegnes og eksistere som det
totale resultat af den fuldkomne næstekærlighed og dermed være den
eneste sande kristendom eller menneskehedens frelse.
(kopiert fra tidsskriftet 'kosmos')
Martinus Institut
Mariendalsvej 94-96
2000 Frederiksberg