“Elena Danaan’s new, 2021,
book, 'We Will Never Let You Down', casts much needed light on the
diplomatic negotiations between President Dwight Eisenhower and Valiant
Thor—an ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Worlds—from 1958 to
Now we finally have a fresh new perspective, directly
from Valiant Thor himself, of the unsuccessful negotiations that were
conducted. We learn about his warnings about negotiating with an
alliance of alien predator races; Eisenhower’s betrayal by MJ-12 in
signing secret agreements with this exploitative alliance; and how the
Galactic Federation has ever since been mitigating the effects of these
nefarious agreements through numerous covert actions to raise human
consciousness and spark a planetary awakening. A must read for all
wanting to prepare for the momentous global changes that lie ahead!“
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Rescued as a child by Extraterrestrials, Elena Danaan kept
contact with them all her life and wrote her story in the bestseller:
“A Gift From The Stars”.
“We Will Never Let You Down” follows up by depicting contacts the
author had with Commander Val “Valiant” Thor and her journeys in this
solar system. Written at the brink of a new era, this book is a
testimony of the presence and dedication of benevolent
extraterrestrials protecting Earth.
This book includes also
precious messages from Commander Thor Han Eredyon from the Galactic
Federation of Worlds, revelations about Val Thor’s sojourn in the Pentagon, his relation with
Dwight Eisenhower, his stay in Russia, the political background
involving secret treaties with the Grey Alliance and the complex
underlying Alien-Human diplomacy. Astonishing details, unknown until
now, are revealed in this book.
Born in France, Elena Danaan
is a Fine Arts graduate, Archaeologist, Druidess, Shaman, Energy &
Sound practitioner. She worked as a field Archaeologist for 20 years,
mainly in Egypt. Balancing both scientific education and cognitive
abilities, Elena narrates with honesty, pragmatism and simplicity, the
incredible adventures she was privileged to live and share.
about this book, in review from Amazon,
incl. 'look inside book';
"Life brings unexpected gifts sometimes, when you keep your heart open.
Never did I hope to meet one day this man who came from outer space,
whose goal was to try to save our world. He worked hard with the
leaders of this planet in the hope of freeing for humanity a path to a
safe and brighter future, and in the hope of putting into place
assistance programs working toward empowering human resistance and
technological resources to stand against the Orion threat.
Valiant Thor, also called Commander Val, landed his ship on a morning
of March 1957 in the US state of Virginia, where he met President
Dwight Eisenhower. Val was sent by the Council of Five and the Great
Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, carrying a diplamatic
message of assistance against the threatening Orion Gray Alliances who
bore the name of “Nebu".
Literature has been written about him, his encounters with several
human beings and the way in which he inspired them greatly.
Val was a diplomat well trained by the Galactic Federation and the
Council of Five, in respect of the Terran cultures and their belief
systems. He came as a messenger, not as a converter. He wasn’t here to
change the religious faiths, but to encourage faith in human nature and
potential, engaging us to open our awareness to who we truly are, to
the nature of our birthrights, freedom and sovereignty. The Galactic
Federation has this law, sacred above all, of noninterference in the
natural evolution of primitive worlds, dedicated to supporting and
protecting all life. Our path of learning needs to be walked, for the
purpose is the road, and the reward is the destination.
Commander Val Thor belongs to the Taal race, a humanoidlooking colany
from the Man star system (K62“Lyran") who settled on Venus a long time
ago ,alongside other races. He was commissioned by the Galactic
Federation of Worlds and the Council of Five to Terra (Earth), to meet
with the main leaders of our planet. One of them was the 34th U.S.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Val Thor delivered to him a warning
against the
malevolent extraterrestrials from the Orion Group, with whom
Eisenhower's government had freshly passed agreements.
(see evt this video regarding 'untold
history of the USA')
Commander Val Thor spent some time in the Pentagan, guiding and
advising President Eisenhower and secretly setting the foundations for
a benevolent Earth-extraterrestrial cooperation, that would become
later known as the Earth Alliance. Despite all his efforts ta avoid a
fateful autcome for Humanity, the US President didn't succeed in
rescinding the agreements made with the invaders, and which were
signed behind his back by his military administration. These
events will be developed in more complete detail throughout this book,
based on my personal encounters with Commander Val Thor.
Before going further, and especially if you haven't read "A Gift from
The Stars”, here are the circumstances in which I met the person
mentioned as Thor Han Eredyon. It all began when at the age of nine, I
experienced a hostile abduction by Gray aliens from Zeta Reticuli. In
the process, I was rescued by another alien ship composed of a
benevolent crew from different origins, working for the Galactic
Federation of Worlds. At their command was Thor Han Eredyon, an Errahel
pilot from Ashaara (Taygeta) in the Pleiades, who has been watching
over my life since these events. He is now a fleet commander and
mission coordinator, assigned to a space station in orbit of Earth, one
of the many cloaked outposts of the Galactic Federation of Worlds in
our solar system.
Between the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Andromeda Council and
the Council of Five, this star system is crowded with more than sixty
matherships belonging to these three benevolent groups. We can add to
this list the Ashtar Galactic Command and the huge enemy fleets roaming
everywhere. The huge cloaked motherships positioned in orbit of Earth
are called by Thor Han"stations”. Thor Han and I have regular
telepathic and physical contacts, hence some explanation may be
required for you to understand how all of
this works.
The small Grays who kidnapped me when I was nine years old inserted a
trans-dimensional tracker at the back ot my skull, in arder to monitor
me at a distance as they usually do, as part of their hybridization
This tracker was meant to emit a pulsing signal relaying to a Grays’
central station somewhere.
When Thor Han and his crew rescued me, they deactivated this signal
before their ship could be located by the enemy. Nonetheless, this task
turned out to be not as easy as they expected; the device was placed by
the Grays deep into a sensitive part of my brain, and its removal was
too risky. In their haste, Thor Han's medical crew member, Myrah,
hacked the device and repurposed it, by attuning it to the higher
frequency spectrum of the Galactic Federation, a bandwidth that neither
the Grays nor the Reptilians can access. From that moment onward, I was
then able to communicate with anyone in the Galactic Federation attuned
ta the safe frequency signal of this device.
Only Thor Han possesses the frequency code of my device, and all
communications are monitored by him. I normally only interact with him,
but it may happen occasionally that I have contacts with three other
beings allowed by Thor Han to attune to my device: Myrah from Sirius B,
the scientist lady who was part of my rescue team, Coron a higher
density being from Dakoorat in the Ashaara (Taygeta) star system, and
Annax, Egaroth from the Council of Five.
After all these years, my scalp remains still sore on this particular
spot, especially when combing my hair. This sensitivity is due to the
regular electromagnetic activity linked to the implant. Although the
frequency band-width used by the Grays is not noticeable because it is
low enough ta match the human body frequency, the tange used by the
Galactic Federation is of a much higher octave, which cannot be
accessed by the Grays and Reptilians.
This may explain the physical discomfort I feel when Iam tired or
sick, because I am vibrating ina much lower electromagnetic frequency.
When I am well rested and healthy, I don’t feel any discomfort. As I
‘was brought back home after my rescue, I kept having headaches for
months, due also to the fact that this implant had been triggered
Despite all possible scans and examinations with the tools in use at
the time (1970's), nothing could ever be found. It was explained to me
by Myrah, the medical lady from Thor Han’s crew, that this implant is
transdimensional and therefore not detectable with technologies used on
The headaches disappeared after a few months, as my energies
attuned with the strang frequency signal of this alien device, and it
was only years later, when I was eighteen, that for the first time I
heard Thor Han’s voice within my head. It fett like a hail was being
stuck into my head, accompanied by a low buzzing sound vibrating
through all my skull. I fell on my knees and grabbed my head between my
hands, frightened. It was then that I heard a “click” in the precise
lacation of the device, and the young and vibrant voice of Thor Han
spoke in my head, quite loudly: “Don’t worry, we are just making some
Since then, Thor Han has taught me how to activate the device, in order
to contact him by myself. You see, these very sensitive and finely
tuned technologies can also react ta energy impulses due to emotional
over-load. Thor Han isn't at all times spying on me, of course, but if
I ever produce a sudden emotional impulse such as fright, it sends out
a signal automatically.
He showed me how to activate a discharge of energy ditected on
the device, coupled with a powerful visualization of him or the person
I wish to contact, if of course this person is attuned already with the
frequency code of my device. No one can hack it. Communicating via such
a device is like dialing a frequency number, if so to speak: just
picking up the phone is not enough; you must also “dial a number". You
need ta do more than just switch it on; you must also manifest the
intention to connect with one of the persons in tune with this device,
and manifesting the thought of this person is like dialing their
personal frequency signature. It is quantum technology.
Now, this is when you grasp the true power of
these devices, and realize how dangerous these can be if in the wrong
hands. Here is a staggering example: in a few accasions, I found myself
talking to people a bit too much, in a confident tone, about some
information I was not supposed ta disclose at the time. Instantly, I
felt the device activating and a fog seizing my mind. I was incapable
of talking, losing my words and even the ability to form sounds in my
throat, and my mind and memory were going temporarily blank, for the
time I stubbornly tried to fight against the process. I was simply
being “frozen”!
As soon as I gave up the struggle, all stopped and switched back
to normal. Literally, like a button switch. These devices are made of a
technology that is able to remotely control your body and even your
mind. Imagine what it can do when in the wrong hands! This remote
takeover goes way further than monitoring you, or just acting as a
Because this technology can operate physical control by distance, it
can be very often mistaken for traditional channeling, which is a
different process even if it may look the same when witnessed from
outside. Proper channeling is in fact a temporary possession of your
body by a foreign entity, alien or not. And when I say “or not”... I
mean it can be either artificial intelligence, ghost, or an entity good
or bad. And unfortunately, there are very bad ones out there.
It is not necessary to have an alien implant to communicate with
aliens. As it works also with spirits and ghosts, some beings are
powerful enough to take control of your body, by a method of
“possession”. Consent is needed, and keep in mind that fear is
also a form of consent. "Channeling" is a less scary word but it
invalves the same process: a being slipping into the body of another
I happened to use the function of my device enabling remote physical
manipulation of my upper body a few times, at the request of a friend
who ran a show, as it enabled people to ask questions directly. It was
“channeling” but in truth it wasn't.
Thor Han was on the orbital station and I allowed him to remotely
control my head and neck with the device, a technical operation using
quantum technology. We both connected, him “upstairs” on the orbital
station and me “downstairs” on Earth, and I invited him to control
remotely my head and shoulders.
I stayed conscious during the whole process and was able to
reverse it at any moment, taking back control very easily. Eyes closed,
I could see what he saw and hear what he heard. I could also hold a
telepathic conversation simultaneously while he was in control of my
upper body speaking through my voice.
Interestingly, I happened from times to times to perform this remote
technique with Annax, who is an Egaroth. This species has a different
anatomy; taller, slimmer, with an elongated neck and a larger head.
Each time Annax remotely controlled my upper body, the sensations were
different from when it was Thor Han,who is human.
Annax doesn’t need to humidify his mouth so he didn’t think about doing
it when I worked with him, and the result was me having a very dry
throat afterwards. The stretch on my neck was also a slight discomfort.
In truth, I was new to all of this and I was propelled to the front of
the stage at great speed, without even realizing what was happening.
All I wished was to please my friends and genuinely share the magic
with the entire world. Well, even if he did it at first by courtesy and
kindness, Thor Han put a quick end to it for three main reasons: I fett
uncomfortable entertaining the public in such a way and he knew it, a
lot of questions were a waste of his time, and more importantly: it
started to be monetized by the curator of the show, which made me feel
even mare uncomfortable. This was the wake-up signal and I was very
glad it stopped.
Telepathy can occur with or without the implant,
but for a more stable communication we usually use it. I
was astonished to discover that there are two different ways to perform
telepathy: “mind-melt” and “mind-talk”.
The difference would be comparable, for instance, to two different
radio channels. Mindmelt is an intimate
connection of thoughts, similar to mind reading. When the connection is
made, from mind to mind, each person knows about everything in each
other's mind. Unless mental shields are in place, mind-melt can
investigate very far into memories. This method is not used to
communicate in general, and is even forbidden by the codes of the
Federation unless in private settings.
Mindmelt is performed on particular occasions, such as in the act
of lovemaking, also to investigate a prisoner’s mind to retrieve data,
or as well when there is enough trust between two individuals who
desire to share a great ammount of information very fast.
Thor Han and I use mind-melt from times to time, when telling a story
takes too long. Using mind-melt, you get not only the story but
also the pictures, smells, sounds. . .
Mind-talk is different. The communication happens on a different
brainwave frequency that has no connection with the memory thought
frequency as described above.
This is the most common means of communication used by the majority of
species in the Galactic Federation of Worlds, knowing that in social
context, most of the time, the spoken language doubles over the
For instance, you can have a person physically speaking to you and hear
their voice in your head at the same time, which is a bit unsettling at
the start, but you get used to it relatively quickly.
With mind-talk, you can also get visions and feelings, the
same as with mind-melt. Be it by direct telepathy or by using the
Thor Han and I have developed this unique method: I can either look
through his eyes or he can look through mine.
Here is how it works: if he wants to show me something that he is
witnessing up there, wherever he is, he first makes telepathic contact
and invites me to close my eyes. I do so, and images appear behind my
closed eyelids, as a visual transmission of what he sees. The reverse
also works.
A last element to note: when we are both in telepathic
connection, we hear everything the other hears, and we can have a
slight peripheral vision of each other's environment, exactly as in a
live remote viewing experience. About remote viewing, I heed to precise
that the Galactic Federation of Worlds or any other strategic
structures, have screen shields around their ships and facilities. This
forbids any remote viewing intrusion. A screen shield is a hologram
projecting a false reality, in order to decieve spying attempts.
Thor Han introduced me to this method when I
asked if I could interview some beings as part of a personal project I
had in mind. This project involved interaction with dangerous entities
and it was out of the question,of course, for me ta risk any direct
contact with them, be it physical or even telepathic.
So, Thor Han showed me this amazing holographic device allowing me to
converse with these beings indirectly. It consists of a tiny pyramid
made of a translucent material, set within four holographic panels
appearing to unfold when it switches on. I connect with Thor Han by
telepathy and the device, attuned to Thor Han's mind, broadcasts via
him my holographic image and voice. Then, through Thor Han’s vision and
hearing, I can see the beings in front of him and hear them answering
back to me.
This method is quite practical because I am able to take notes in the
Link of the heart
There is a bond from heart to heart between
beings sharing a strong emotional connection, such as Thor Han and I
have, and also between myself and Annax, whom I call my Egaroth father.
It could be described as a quantum link allowing information to
resonate from consciousness to consciousness, using pure love as a
medium. It is the most wonderful way to communicate, from soul to soul,
on the frequency of love. There is nothing safer, more powerful and
higher in frequency, than this communication.
Physical abduction
In terms of physical contacts, there are two
ways of traveling physically with your body, from the ground to a ship:
either by teleportation, which is basically a quantum molecular
transfer, or via an antigravity beam.
Unlike teleportation, where you disappear from somewhere and you
reappear somewhere else, an antigravity beam is a large ray projected
from a ship toward a target, unfolding physically through linear space.
It lifts the person upwards toward the ship, and what is quite amazing
in this process, is that it can also dedensify any solid obstacle in
the way. That is how abductees can be pulled out through roofs,
walls and closed windows.
While you're in this strange beam, interestingly as well, you feel numb
and paralyzed. I personally prefer to be teleported, it is less
traumatic. Firstly, I have vertigo, and also because teleportation
lasts less than five seconds. All you feel is a fizzy shudder, and you
are momentarily blinded by a big flash of light but it's okay.
Light Transfer Resonance
This process is another very interesting one,
which always fascinates people when I talk about it. With the unfolding
of the course of events and the war increasing in intensity, physical
abductions became risky, as Thor Han's ship needed ta come down into
the Earth's lower atmosphere for that purpose. We started to use
quantum resonance to transfer my light being, an operation that could
be performed over a longer distance, such as to the orbital station
directly. This transfer uses a high frequency channel out of reach
from lower density entities. It is safer than teleportation.
There is no linear spatial physical travel; it is a
quantum teleportation of the astral body. Thor Han calls this
technique the “Light Transfer Resonance”. Being a trained shaman makes
it very easy for me to secure my body and detach my light being (astral
I just need to wait for Thor Han to transfer me to his ship out of
reach from danger. It feels like physical teleportation, but it is less
intense in
sensations. When I touch the destination anchor point, I could remain
as an ethereal light being but this is not a fun experience. So, thanks
to the adjustments set up by Thor Han, the particles of my light being
are densified to match the appropriate environment, and I temporarily
materialize as a physical being.
The particles of my being are stabilized by a force field, so I can
have a physical experience during the time of my visit. The settings of
this procedure include also a special suit, made of a clear blue
material with double brown stripes on the shoulders and arms, a brown
belt and black boots.
This brown belt is similar to those everyone wears, with a
different color for each race. It is a density frequency stabilizer.
My hair always floats free and it is the color of my natural shade. Enhancements
to my appearance, such as makeup, synthetic nails, and jewelry, don't
transfer because they are not part of my biological being.
The only jewelry that transfers is a crystal bangle that vibrates at a
very high rate, and my crystal Merkabah.
Also, I always seem to materialize in an age around my
thirties, which at first surprised me, but Thor Han explained to me
that the aging and decay of the flesh avatar doesn’t impact the
appearance of the being that inhabits it.
If the duration of my visit is limited due to the containment of the
force field (when I get tired, it weakens and I start to dedensify),
distance also has its limits. Indeed, there is only so far I can go,
without severing the link with my physical avatar left on Earth. In
some Earth cultures, it is called the “silver cord”. It cannot be
stretched indefinitely and if it breaks, the soul cannot come back into
the body. This is clinical death.
I remember one day when I was onboard Thor Han’s ship, and we were
approaching the outskirts of the solar system. He wanted to show me
Neptune, that day, and the magnificence of these moments that we share
may sometimes lead us to forget about some practical details... He
pushed the ship farther toward Pluto's orbit and suddenly, I felt dizzy
and nauseous, a sensation that increased as we moved forward. My
fingertips became numb and my lips started to tingle. It was the same
sensation as if I had a hypoglycemic fit. My breath shortened as I felt
my chest compressed. Thor Han realized suddenly what the problem was
and he immediately rerouted the ship back to Earth. “You've reached
your limits”, he said to me. The symptoms disappeared as we got closer
to Earth again. Now I know how far I can go with this method, at least
without killing my avatar!
Light Ship
This technique was taught to me by my dear
Annax, who performs interdimensional travels. The Light Ship is a
vessel allowing to travel across distances, time and dimensions,
sliding on the cosmic web or leaping
through the space-continuum by shortcuts. It can transport
consciousness, or “the essence" as Annax's people call it. As I will
explain further, the travel of consciousness knows no limit in the
distance, contrary to light-being or “astral” travel, which has limited
distance. A Light Ship can have any geometrical shape, generated in
correspondence with the mathematical pattern of your energy. We are
entering here the field of Light (or “sacred") geometry, or “dynamic”
A Light Ship is a personal vessel constructed with our energy field and
powered by the mind. When built with pure Light/Life energy,
geometrical shapes are power generators and sometimes, portals.
Projection of consciousness
This method doesn't need any ship or technology,
as in this case, nothing physical or even ethereal travels distance. It
is a projection of consciousness, or remote viewing as some call it. It
can be done by anchoring the mind onto a target, by auantum resonance,
or it can be sometimes a beautiful and amazina journey of explotation
and discovery. It was Coron, a 5th density Pleiadean from Dakoorat, who
taught me this. He first took me along with him and after a few times,
I gained confidence and was able to perform this type of journey by
myself. There is no limit to remote viewing, and this is how one day, I
saw myself contemplating our magnificent galaxy from outside, floating
in the big wide space.
And now, the best way ta describe how these travels work is to share
with you at first some of my experiences.
insert drawing:
The Zenoe - Andromedan Council
One of the most wonderful gifts in my life
involved getting to know a spaceship pilot. Thor Han Eredyon, the man
who rescued me when I was a child, works for the Galactic
Federation of Worlds and leads a fleet of fifteen ships.
You may have heard, especially if you follow New Age social-media
channels, people fantasizingabout the "Galactic Federation of Light”.
Well in truth, there isn’t a thing named as such; this is an
interpretation of what exists under the name “Oraa Nataru Shari’.
Federated alliance of highly developed civilizations created a long
time ago with the purpose of maintaining peace, justice and balance in
this galaxy, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has, in this star
system, the main task of raising the awareness of the Terrans about the
subversion of their societies by invasive species and exposing corrupt
institutions in liaison with these enemies. They monitor
extraterrestrial threats and infiltration, work at deprogramming
mindcontrol, rescuing abductees and performing many other benevolent
and helpful tasks.
Their attention was drawn to our little blue planet in the outskirt of
this galaxy, by the Andromedan Council, who foresaw a catastrophic
future if help wasn’t provided immediately. The Galactic Federation of
Worlds has, since, avoided us ta undergo many fatal outcomes, often by
disabling missiles and nuclear devices for instance, but they cannot do the work of self-growth and evalution of
consciousness for us. Their renowned law of
nonintervention is not just a rule but an ethic of Free-Will, as they
consider that a being, as well as any civilization, must evolve by
itself by reaching a higher level of consciousness, and nobody can do
that work for
anyone else. They are not here to save us, but to help us save
They can totally intervene physically and wipe out all evil on Earth in
one day, but Humanity of Earth wouldn't learn the lesson and grow from
it, and the universe would keep on sending more challenges until the
child teaches maturity. Also, an open war against the regressive
aliens, with planet Earth as a battleground , would
be devastating.
The people from the Galactic Federation of Worlds are the brave,
dedicated unsung heroes, fighting above Earth to defend our planet from
toxic extraterrestrial threats, physically, involved with many
governments’“White Hats” ta fight back the Deep State, an, under and
above the ground of this planet. We are at war, a terrible war, the
greatest and the last for Humanity’s freedom, and we are lucky to have
these powerful allies on our side. They are real, physical beings
with inter-dimensional technology, and even though they also work
at uplifting human consciousness, the Galactic Federation of Worlds is
a real, physical alliance of federated civilizations, not an ethereal
spiritual organization of floating light beings.
They are people like us, only born somewhere else, sometimes looking
different and using other technologies. The last thing they want is that
‘we put ourselves down as inferior beings, kneeling in adoration at the
feet of the gods, that they aren’t. It is time for Humanity of Earth to
stand up, on their feet, and reach adulthood, as sovereign galactic and
interdimensional beings, and to stop considering themselves inferior ta
anything religious, social, political or even spiritual.
So, Thor Han works for this amazing galactic institution and since I
was sixteen, at many occasions of what I would name “invitation” rather
than “abduction”, he has been allowing me to take place in the copilot
seat of his ship. It was at first a sort of a game to entertain me, but
with time, as I was able to comprehend certain subtle concepts of the
space-time continuum, he showed me progressively the use of different
command controls.
Thor Han always seemed amused with my genuine, spontaneous amazement,
and with my excitement to always try a new command. Of course, the seat
was often disconnected from the main command, as he
wouldn't chance an unfortunate maneuver to happen. These crafts are
very sensitive.
The front board panel includes all sorts of monitors, and the main
controls are integrated in the two pilot seats, mostly in the armrests.
These monitors are holographic and look like simple glass panels when
they are switched off. They are activated by thought. If I can now
roughly (and very dangerously) pilot a scout ship, I would never be
able to start it or either stop it, as it is done by the pilot's mind.
Indeed, every military personnel in the Federation has an implant
in their head allowing them ta connect to different vehicles and devices.
A spaceship only responds to the specific brainwaves of its captain and
second pilot, who can attune to the frequency of the ship’s central
intelligence. It has been explained to me that these ships are alive,
believe it or not. )* It is at first a little bit strange to comprehend
the concept of artificially animated matter. We hear about
artificial intelligence but as we know it, what we call artificial
intelligence is not really alive; it is just how we branded our highest
level of technological devices.
Thor Han explained it to me very simply, once, by these words:
“Consider artificial intetligence as you call it on Earth, but upgraded
to the next level: imbued with a basic consciousness.”
These ships are made of living, synthetic materials, responding to the
pilots’ mind control, consciousness to consciousness, and both ship and
pilots are mind-bound as soon as attuned to each other. Some
special ships even match the pilots’ DNA. How they bring
consciousness into the making of a ship is quite, to use the right
expression: mind-blowing!
To navigate a craft by thoughts, the pilots set up first
a destination target, by entering coordinates into the middle panel
prominent between the two seats. Then, they will lay the palm of their
hands onto hexagonal pads and use what they call "Resonance Travel”,
which is basically a quantum leap driven by consciousness. I must
specify the term “driven”, because "powered" is something different.
Indeed, I've spoken until now about navigation but not yet about how
these ships are actually powered. If these crafts are driven by either
holagraphic or electronic control devices, or by consciousness, the
power is not supplied by the mind of the pilots, of course, nor by the
navigation instruments; it is something else.
All their technology, be it absolutely anything, is powered by what
they call “Phryll", a universal force present everywhere in the
universe and even in the void of space. They can harvest it and store
it in a special type of crystals -unknown to Earth- and use it to power
everything. I have seen the core engine of some spacecrafts; it is a
large cylinder that measures about 5 to 6 feet large, and 9 to 12 feet
high, depending on the size and model of the ship. Inside of these
cylinders is what resembles a plasma moving in orange-yellow (or
sometimes blue/green) luminescent coils. These ships can also shift
density and make themselves invisible by a "cloaking" technique. This
last trick is done by slightly raising the vibratory frequency field on
the outer skin of the ship.
Interestingly, when in damp atmospheric environments, this can cause
condensation and it can create the illusion of clouds shaped like
flying-saucers. This, of course, fools only primitive populations
on the ground.
lonization can be another way of powering a craft, by creating some
sort of void at the front of the ship, hovering it into a chosen
They use also interdimensional vortices, that we also call
warmholes, and
which are, as it was explained to me, some type of black holes without
a singularity or shortcuts, as we would say.
The scout ships of the Federation (generally flying-saucer type) are
not equipped for resonance travels on long distances, so they are
transported in large size cargo ships, that are generally in the shape
of a long cylinder or a huge discoid mothership. In general, and I
precise “in general", anything huge and rectangular is Reptilian,
and anything triangular is either Grey (huge black silent triangles
with sharp angles) or Earth US military (smaller, silvery
metallic, rounded angles and engine sound). There are also discoid
cargo or mother ships that are not from the Galactic Federation; the
above was just to mention that if it's triangular or rectangular,
in the doubt, run.
That being said, my first attempt at thought-navigation wasn't truly
amazing. Thor Han was maybe a bit too enthusiastic that night, when he
gave me the commands of a scout ship after he had attuned the frequency
of my implant to its navigation system. Also, I can get a bit over
excited sometimes; who wouldn't be in this situation! Once you are
attuned to the central intelligence of the craft, it goes wherever you
think you want to go.
You really need to focus! We weren't far from Earth and I managed quite
well during the first minute, until I realized Mars was in sight and I
exclaimed: “Oh my god is that Mars?”
Firstly, these ships can go really fast... and secondly, Thor Han has
amazing reflexes! I saw Mars from very close up that day... I am not
sure I will get my spacecraft license any time soon! So, for further
escapades in our solar
system, I was not allowed anymore to touch anything else other than the
electronic and holographic navigation controls, and on scout ships
only. When onboard Thor Han's superb fleet command ship, this doesn’t
even happen.
On a quiet day in October 2020, I was invited
by Thor Han for an impromptu voyage. By Light Transfer Resonance, I
materialized in the hold of his command ship, next to the large central
column unit containing the plasma core engine. As it requires always a
few seconds to adjust my frequency, my head remained dizzy for a few
minutes. It is quite a shock to the system! As I explained it already
in much greater details in the introduction, when I beam up by using
the method of Light Transfer Resonance, my physical envelopee stays
behind on Earth and it is my light being that is teleported. As the
particles recompose when touching destination, it adapts to the
frequency rate to take physical form. I do not need, in this case,
a frequency-belt to be clipped around my waist, as it would be
necessary if I was teleporting with my physical envelopee.
While the particles of my body completed their materialization, I heard
the door sliding and someone coming toward me. As I stepped forward,
Thor Han gathered me in his arms to keep me from stumbling. His large
bright blue eyes were shining with joy.
-Where are we? I asked feebly.
-Heading for Jupiter. Come, I'll show you.
I followed him to the command room, where I discovered on the central
screen the curvature of the planetary giant in its orange orb. I
understood Thor Han was assuredly visiting the outpost of the Ashkerai
(Sirius B) military faction, that we know more popularly under the name
of “Ashtar Command”. Thor Han regularly visits this place to
discuss coordinated operations with some officers.
-Am I allowed to go with you? I asked skeptically.
-Yes, you're with me, Thor Han replied. And if there is a problem,
Celadion will bring you back.
I noticed at this very moment the young Pleiadean pilot with long
straight blond hair and his usual bright smile, waving at me from his
-Hey Celadion! I exclaimed. How are you!
-Always good!
-I wanted to thank you again for having saved my life, when I was taken
by Reptilians last year. (The episode of my abduction by Nagas
in 2019 is detailed in my book: "A Gift from the Stars").
-Well, Thor Han sent us at the time.
-Still, you saved me, so thank you. I suppose I had a big fright that
I sensed Thor Han's arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.
-Everything you will say and think, he whispered in my hair, will be
monitored once we approach Jupiter's orbit. So if there is anything you
want to tell me, the time is now.
I stared into his slanted metallic blue eyes, in which I could see his
soul sparkling with billion stars. In his arms, the universe could
crumble and vanish, I was safe, feeling at home. Words were not
necessary, for he knew my heart and I knew his. Thor Han knew that what
mattered the most for me was to be in his presence, and to share these
precious moments together. It was what provided me with the courage to
keep going on, living down below on this planet and doing what I had to
do. He smiled at me.
-No more personal thoughts once we are down there, he said to me
telepathically, his eyes anchored to mine.
Will you manage it?
-If I stay away from you.
Thor Han's laughter filled the cabin. The ship was entering Jupiter’s
dramatic turbulence and the ionic shield ‘was up, which altered the
visibility. Nonetheless, I could guess beyond the bright glare of the
external ionic field, huge scary clouds, vortices of smoke and dark
deep atmospheric ravines. It was the most frightening trip I had ever
experienced onboard Thor Han’s ship! It was a similar feeling to being
on a little boat crossing a stormy ocean, with the difference that our
ship was perfectly stable, just as if the front screen displayed a
movie. Which it was not. Weird crackling robotic sounds spoke out of a
control board and Celadion replied in a strange language I had never
heard before.
- Ashkeran, Thor Han replied telepathically. They’re scanning our ship
and they want to know who you are. They sensed Annax’s implant;
Egaroths are not part of the Ashtar Command.
At the time I was writing my previous book, my Egaroth protector Annax
had, with my consent, placed a protection device in one of my
shoulders. This implant regulates my energy balance and keeps it at a
high frequency, for my safety, and warns Annax of any etheric or Al
attack against me.
Annax beamed down one night in my bedroom and sat on the edge of my
bed, smiling with a loving radiance, as he always does. He gently laid
a hand on my forearm and asked if I would consent to him providing me
with this kind of supplementary device.
I said yes, of course, what a privilege. I turned on my side and
he lifted my pajama shirt. Annax pulled a flat rectangular object from
his pocket and applied it on my skin. Effectively, as he said, I felt
nothing. When he removed the tool, I could see three red marks in the
shape of a triangle. Annax explained to me that this
‘was a triangulation method that allows implanting trackers of a very
high frequency. It is a technology used by the Council of Five,
and which is very recognizable. The three dots are the physical anchors
for the tracker,
which vibrates in a much higher density in the middle of the triangle.
When Annax checks me out, I can feel an itch on that spot.
AS I stood beside Thor Han, watching our descent into the Jovian
atmosphere, a cold shiver ran through by body. From now on, my thoughts
would be monitored by the Ashtar Command's security system. I took a
deep breath. I was ready. Or kind of.
-Don't worry, said Thor Han with an incredible calm, you're with me.
The descent seemed endless and although we were traversing terrifying
storms, violent winds and threatening titanic clouds, the ship was
sliding smoothly, with ease. The structures of the Ashtar outpost
started to appear through the thick ochre fog.
I had already seen this base when in telepathic contact with Thor Han,
a few
times already, but today I was there... and it was very intimidating. I
know it was just a military facility but yet, its reputation was well
Protected under a gigantic dome, the Javian city extended with its
glistening roads, bridges and buildings, across a vast surface. It was
in fact a ship, which landed a very long time ago when the Galactic
Federation of Worlds requested help to protect our solar system.
Separatist faction from the compromised Ashtar Alliance,
which had been infittrated by Reptilians, the Ashtar Galactic Command
was a rebel, independent, mercenary military group from Sirius B, vowed
to maintain peace in this galaxy.
We descended at the level of the high buildings, our ship sliding
in-between the silvery towers until reaching the entrance of a tunnel,
where it engulfed into. Purple neon-like fluorescent lights were
pulsing on the sides and soon, the ship emerged into a landing bay
where other vehicles were parked in the far side, aligned in neat rows.
Thor Han winked at me and invited me to leave the command room.
Followed by Celadion, we walked down the three narrow steps, then
through the circular corridor giving access to the main airlock. The
sliding door appeared, opened, and vanished behind us, as part of the
wall. I always have a tendency to forget that these ships are built
with living materials. Walls and fabrics opening and closing at will,
each time reminds me of the outstanding level of their mastery of
molecular technology. The access ramp was already deployed, and we
walked down it. The air was cold, and I shivered as it poured into my
lungs. I coughed, then took a very deep breath, noticing that my body
was adapting quite quickly to the difference in atmospheric pressure.
My ears were buzzing slightly, but it eased eventually as I managed to
Thor Han‘s hand, firm and warm, was like a buoy I was holding onto, in
this unknown and frightening place, so far away from Earth. As
beautiful or amazing as it can be, the unknown has always its part of
“frightening”. I was slightly shaking, maybe more from nervousness than
from cold.
A floating vehicle was waiting for us, in the shape of a rectangular
board with a metallic banister, piloted by some sort of android
incorporated at the front. It made me think about, you know, these
motorized carriers in the airports on Earth, transporting luggage. So
we stepped on it. I first didn’t understand why Thor Han seized my arm
firmly to bring me against his side... until I found myself suddenly
projected backwards with a little shout as the vehicle rocketed through
the place. Fortunately, the fabric of Thor Han’s uniform is solid
Celadion laughed at me, his long blond hair floating in the wind
gracefully. Thor Han was biting his lip to contain a laugh. Moving at
great speed alang a corridor leading to lower levels, we finally
emerged into a great and amazing hall filled with light. The high
buildings were made of glass and metallic structures.
This place was gigantic! A real city! My attention was caught gazing
toward the view behind the huge bay windows, through which we could
glimpse Jupiter’s clouds dancing outside in powerful twirling winds. We
were at cloud level of one of the numerous atmospheric layers, as if
inside a big ship sailing on an ocean of clouds, under a tormented
thundering sky. I felt Thor Han's hand tightening over mine.
-Come on, he said on a hasty tone, the commander is waiting for me.
I followed him as if wandering through a dream. The hall included
different modules of graceful buildings defying the laws of gravity. I
felt my feet stepping onto a sliding automatic staircase and I grabbed
Thor Han’s sleeve to keep balance. How clumsy must have I seemed, to
all these people passing by, moving with confidence and poise! It is
then that I noticed the diversity of races among them. It was like in
my book!
My heart pounded as I realized I could probably identify most of them!
We touched solid ground and my focus was brought to a tall blond man in
uniform, hair neatly cut short, coming toward us. My companions bowed
their heads to him, a hand on their chest, and I imitated them. He was
probably the officer Thor Han came here to meet. How exciting! I felt
suddenly a cold breeze brushing through my head; this man was
telepathically probing my mind, wondering who I was, and it was rather
intimidating. Thor Han exchanged with the Ashtar officer a telepathic
conversation, then addressed to me with a tender smile.
-I need to go with him now, he said. Celadion will take care of you.
See you maybe later.
With a wink of the eye, he turned away to follow the officer. Celadion
dropped a friendly hand on my shoulder.
-Come, we'll wait over there.
I followed my young Errahel friend down to large translucent steps
leading to a lower level. A wide and high bay window occupied the whole
side of the hall and I was fascinated by the contrast of the inside
with the outside; peaceful atmosphere against atmospheric violence.
Under tormented orange skies, dark grey clouds
were brushing the structure of the building and it was mesmerizing. I
was speechless. Celadion laid a shoulder against the glass and stared
by my side, pensive, at the tormented Jovian universe.(this
in audio mp3)