some extracts from

og denne svenske filmen om tidsreiser var artig.

introduction and extracts on norwegian here on link

an artist's timettravel to Atlantis and the pictures of what he saw  | 



a claimed "time-traveller" from 2036 having hightech to travel along timelines back to the year 1975 in a task - and then he is zooming in autumn of 2001 - where he is communicating this through www on a forum. He gives a lot of technical information on how he carry out this and he also publishes pictures of his equpment/timetravel-machine.

(norwegian: En påstått "tidsreiser" fra 2036 som hadde tilgang til teknologi til å reise langs tidsstrenger tilbake til 1975 og deretter til 2001 og som kommuniserer via internett i 2001 skrev dette på et nettdiskusjonsforum, der han ellers i stor detalj og helt logisk-vitenskapeslig beskrev metodene for dette med tidsreiser. Likeledes har fotografier av teknikken han bruker for å få dette til)



What are your memories of 2036?

"I remember 2036 very clearly. It is difficult to describe 2036 in detail without spending a great deal of time explaining why things are so different.

"In 2036, I live in central Florida with my family and I'm currently stationed at an Army base in Tampa. A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people. The people that survived grew closer together. Life is centered on the family and then the community. I cannot imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents.

"There is no large industrial complex creating masses of useless food and recreational items. Food and livestock is grown and sold locally. People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face. Religion is taken seriously and everyone can multiply and divide in their heads.

"Life has changed so much over my lifetime that it's hard to pin down a "normal" day. When I was 13, I was a soldier. As a teenager, I helped my dad haul cargo. I went to college when I was 31 and I was recruited to "time travel" shortly after that. Again, I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

" There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

"One of the biggest reasons why food production is localized is because the environment is affected with disease and radiation. We are making huge strides in getting it cleaned up. Water is produced on a community level and we do eat meat that we raise ourselves.

"After the war, early new communities gathered around the current Universities. That's where the libraries were. I went to school at Fort UF, which is now called the University of Florida. Not too much is different except the military is large part of people's life and we spend a great deal of time in the fields and farms at the "University" or Fort.

"The Constitution was changed after the war. We have 5 presidents that are voted in and out on different term periods. The vice president is the president of the senate and they are voted separately.

"On my worldline, life is not easy. We live in a world recovering from years of war, poison, destruction and hate

My first experience with war came when I joined a shotgun infantry unit at the age of thirteen. In the 4 years I served as a "rebel", I watched hundreds of people get shot, burn and bleed to death. I know exactly where I was and every detail of the exact moment the first nuclear warheads began falling on Jacksonville.

How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

What event started the war? Can it be stopped?

The war is a result of faulty politics and desperation from Western
leadership during the US civil war. Yes, I suppose you could stop it.

Are some areas of the United States safer than others?

Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last

Were biological or chemical weapons used in the war? Were any weapons used that effected people's minds?

Yes there were biological and chemical weapons used. No mind control weapons but there are new "non-lethal" weapon systems that turn out to be quite lethal.

What would you say to any world leaders who might be reading this right now?

Revel in your confidence today because you will not win tomorrow.

What are the social prejudices in 2036?

Yes there are. However, as odd as it may sound, it serves a useful purpose in my time. First, you must realize that your experiences with "prejudice" and mine are different. I would characterize the intolerance you have here as a result of ignorance and fear. I have observed that people with unfounded and irrational fears about their fellow man in this time have the luxury of not having their beliefs tested.

After the war, much of the prejudice you have now was swept away by simple necessity. People had to work and fight together just to survive. This has a way of opening a person's eyes as to the value of fellow human beings.

What difference does the color of a man's skin make when you are both fighting against the same enemy to survive or find water or grow food? On my worldline, if a man doesn't pull his weight in the community, then we feel prejudice towards him as a burden to us. This feeling of shame he experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

Is there some sort of new world government in place by 2011?

On my worldline in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments.

Does the continuing conflict between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the upcoming war?

Yes. Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause.

Do you still have an American flag? What does it look like in 2036?

Yes, we still have the flag. There is a debate about changing it from 50 stars to 5.

Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world ending.

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?

They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

The Arab countries appear to have weapons of mass destruction. Do they use them against America?

Not against America but they are used against each other.

Why are you so interested in the Constitution?

After the war, the United States had split into five separate regions based on the various factors and military objectives they each had. There was a great deal of anger directed toward the Federal government and a revival of states rights was becoming paramount. However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system.

During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it.

I disapprove of war because I think it's immoral. What do you think?

I disapprove of murder. Man as a species is incapable of changing his nature through will alone and war is a tool of biology. The ability for war sleeps in each one of us and we must decide what we will do before the beast awakens. As for morality, again I point to the "universal" balance of good and evil. For every worldline where there is peace, there is a worldline that has destroyed itself.

After reading the questions, I want to paint a picture that may help with the general theme of our collective experience in 2036. The war had very profound affects on people and how they relate to each other. As individuals, almost everyone in 2036 is very familiar with death. We all have stories of loved ones that have died from disease, war or acts of inhumanity. Most of us have even taken part in dishing the same thing out to the other side. As a result, we have become far more compassionate to the ones we love but mush less forgiving to those who don't pull their weight. We are more accepting of other's differences in our community because we depend on them to survive. We are also more conservative with our resources and closer to God because for a period, life on Earth was Hell.

The other major difference is in the concept of good and evil. With multiple worlds come multiple decisions and outcomes. For every good act, there is an equal and possible bad act on another worldline. Taken to the extreme, this must mean that in God's eyes, there is no total good and total bad in the superverse. It balances itself out to infinity. I believe we are judged on the decisions we make as individuals and the good/evil I see on my worldline is an illusion that has no worth to God. My reaction to it is what's important to God. Although this may seem rather heartless, it does allow me to see past the evil that people do and acknowledge the core of potential goodness inside them.

Religion has become far less centralized. Extremes tend to bring you closer to God so I would characterize religion and spirituality as a much more of a personal institution.

Why do you keep telling us about the war? How do you know that will even happen in our worldline? Something may have already changed and it won't happen at all.

Yes, you are correct! However, I am not confident things are different enough for you to avoid the conflict. You may also consider the possibility that a world with no war is far less desirable in the long run. In response to your other point, your assumptions about causality are correct but my personal morality still comes into play. I won't deviate from my three rules because of the way I would feel about myself.

Who is the major super power in 2036?

It depends on how you define power. If you mean military, the world has developed into an odd balance. There are plenty of nuclear weapons left but if anyone uses them they, will be instantly erased from the planet by everyone else, regardless of the politics. We are very tired of war.

Are the two political parties still Republicans and Democrats?

There are no Republicans or Democrats to speak of. There are now over 10 major political parties.


Which states are the worst to live in?

When you can't drink the water its bad everywhere.

Were only cities along the Eastern US hit in the Nuclear War, or all over the country?

Cities and large military areas in the entire country.

Was a lot of the US 18-24 age group killed in the war because of a draft?


Which countries are on our side in the war?

Don't have much to add there.

Which country gets the worst in the war?

Again, the entire world is affected. Even if you don't take a direct hit, dying crops and no water can ruin your day.

Your enemy was in the cities. Was the President in 2005 also on the enemy side? How did you feel personally about the President then?

The President or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.

Does the civil war start in such a way that those willing will have time to remove themselves to safer locations.

Yes. You will be forced to ask yourself how many civil rights you will give up to feel safe.

Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?

They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process.

You said that there will be a big war. Can you at least tell us which cities will be nuked?

No I won't do that. However, I submit to you that when the moment comes it will be absolutely plain as day that you are unsafe in the cities. The millions people that stay will choose to stay. That's what comes as a surprise.

John, you say one of the hardest things to do in 2036 is find clean water. You also say you only trust food you've grown. Is any of this a result of your experiences with biological warfare?

Yes and no. Yes, biological warfare and accidents do cause a great deal of problems but the lack of a working infrastructure also hinders the continuation of the food manufacturing you depend on now.

You say you were in the militia fighting the US Army. I would think civilians would have no chance of successfully fighting the military.

You must realize that why people are fighting is more important that what they are fighting with. The conflict was not about taking and holding ground it was about order and rights. They were betting that people wanted security instead of freedom and they were wrong.

Does anyone stay neutral during the war?

Some try to.

Does anyone lead a normal life during the civil war?


You say the civil war lasts from 2004 to 2008 and then the short big war in 2015. What do the years from 2008 to 2015 look like? How long does WWIII last.

I'm not sure I said that exactly. By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep. Western instability during the conflict leads to the attack in 2015. WWIII is very short with a longer period of mop up.

You mention Canadians but I don't think you mentioned the impact on that country.

There's not a great deal I know about Canada except to say they were pretty much in the same type of conflict. They did have the Dew Line you know.

I must preface the following with a bit of melodrama. I feel a bit unqualified to answer the next few questions for the following reason. The way you and I look at life and death and its relative value is radically different. As any other soldier can tell you, once you watch a man's arm come off from a bullet you just fired or have been close enough to feel someone's last breath on your face, it changes you. I can only describe it in two distinct waves. The first feeling is power. You won when it counted and survived. All the personal shortcomings and faults you've carried with you your whole life just melt away in a savage euphoria.

If there's time to think about it, the next wave comes shortly after and is underlined by overwhelming guilt. You just killed someone and now God might be ticked off. Fortunately, the second feeling goes away quickly when the shooting starts again and gets shorter and shorter after every battle. After all, why would God put you in this situation? The point is, I personally do not like going through that cycle and the decisions I make about life and death might not be the ones you would expect me to make.

…In any case, it also lets Darwin take over. One of the reasons drug abuse isn't a major problem in 2036 is because no one wants to die from it and everyone else who did is dead.

……..Since worldlines(timelines), outcomes and events are infinite, we have better things to do. When I arrive in the "new" 1998 worldline on my way home I could easily start all of this again and continue to go through the same conversations with all of the same people. However, I already know you won't pay any attention or believe me because we've already been through it on this worldline.


What's it like to start from nothing and work your way up in 2036?

Very easy. If you can work with your hands and get along with other people, you will always find work.

The question involved how the time machine could travel to Earth in the future or past since the position of the planet would change in space. The question also asked about life support during travel and how physical structures are avoided.

This is actually a very good question that parts and pieces of the answer are scattered around in previous postings. I am often surprised that it is not the first one asked. You are correct; this problem is actually the most difficult part of time travel. Although some of your assumptions about matter displacement are a bit off, the problem is real. Inside the displacement unit are a series of very sensitive clocks and gravity sensors. This system is called the VGL (variable gravity lock). In simple terms, before the unit "leaves" a worldline, it takes a base reading of the local gravity and adjusts the Tipler sinusoid to "lock" into that position. Although the temporal physics of this statement are wrong, in effect, it holds you to the "Earth". During travel, it periodically checks to see that the field has not varied. If it does, it stops and reverses course or drops out at that point. Buildings and other terrain features are avoided in the same way. Yes, we do bring oxygen in the vehicle with us but we do not lose atmospheric pressure.

If the time machine was used for a split second and then returned, wouldn't it appear someplace in far off space as the Earth continued in space?

Please see VGL system above. Also, please be aware that from the viewpoint of the time traveler, the displacement unit actually left and then returned. The viewer does not experience this. Think of it as a Gosub statement in a computer program.

December 10, 2000 11:32

What type of money do you use in 2036?

Its not very different than it is now. Yes, we have money and credit cards. However, like everything else, the monetary system is decentralized. Banking is based mostly around the community structure. There are no multinational banking or computerized economic systems. There are also no income taxes.

Is there public transportation in 2036?

A high-speed train system connects the larger cities. Roads are still used for cars and many people ride horses and bikes.

Is there any connection between you and the John Titor that was here on this worldline before you? What do your parents tell him about you?

He calls me uncle. Yes, there is a connection. He feels like a younger brother. Sometimes I get mixed emotions watching him and realize I'm
watching the origins of my personality. I tend to playfully criticize my father about that.

Won't even a small divergence between worldliness cause everything to look different to you as compared to your worldline?

The divergence measurement refers to the local gravitational field as compared to the point of origin. It is merely an empirical indicator of overall change in a worldline. Some things that are quite different on one worldline have very little effect as time passes and the worldlines appear to "converge" again and look very similar. Worldline changes are not exponential; they act more like chaotic attractors with varying effect depending on their size and location.

If multiple world theory is correct and there are two of you here, one of you has to be the real one. Also, I find it unsettling that you look at us as representative of the people from your past. One reason I think you may be a time traveler is because I don't understand or relate to your thinking at all.

You are correct in your thinking. This worldline is not mine but it looks very similar. It may be compared to reading two books that are the same. I can jump back and forth between them and still see the same story. I do not consider you true representatives of my worldline but I do know something of how the story ends. In consideration of Everret-Wheeler, the reason we don't know if Schrödinger's cat is dead is because it might have had a time machine.

If this worldline is 2 percent divergent from your worldline, how do you get home? If you go forward from here to 2036, won't the divergence approach infinity?

Yes, this is true. If I go forward on this worldline, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.

Your deductions are quite accurate. Its possible to go forward to "your" 2036 and it would look nothing like mine.

Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause.

Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world ending.

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?


In trying to imagine a super universe with infinite possibilities and worldlines, I think of a room with mirrors on all the walls. You are aware of your captivity but as you look in the distance, you see an infinite number of "yours" in an infinite number of mirrored rooms.

The gravity distortion machine allows you to "step" out of your room and into another next to you. The closer you are to your original room, the closer it looks like yours, the farther away, the stranger it looks to you.


Couldn't you just take what ever you wanted back with you?

There are mass limits to what can be taken back.

Are you tested mentally before becoming a time traveler? What makes a good time traveler?

Yes, there are numerous psychological tests. I was chosen based on my educational background and military service. The training lasted about two years. There is a great deal of physical training to counter the physical effects of distortion. They were also looking for drivers who had a fair amount of self-sufficiency and an ability to function under extreme isolation and confinement.

What do they look for when choosing someone for a mission?

Depending on the mission, time travelers are usually chosen for a particular mission based on their ability to gain the cooperation of someone related to the goal on the target worldline. In my case, my grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100(old pc).

How do you know our worldline and yours will follow the same path?

This worldline (tidslinje) and my own are almost exactly alike.



03 January 2001 13:47

I've been reading the last few postings with a bit of confusion. I see there is controversy over my "story" that is causing some people to ask themselves if they believe it or not. For quite a while, I have been stating that not only do I not expect anyone to believe me, it's irrelevant and in my opinion, quite dangerous. Belief implies that you accept what I say as true and real. Over the Internet, this is impossible. In fact, I have stated before, there are many people in 2036 who do not believe in time travel.

I also think that unwavering belief is dangerous. One very disturbing thing I have noticed about your society in general is your blind acceptance of what you are told. Do you really think the news industry doesn't have an agenda? Do you really think those hamburgers you stuff into your body are safe? Do you really think your government is telling you the truth? What proof do you have of any of that?

What I do want you to do is open your eyes to the events that happening around you that have nothing to do with me. Some of you have been reading for a while now about the war in 2015 and the breakthroughs in particle physics that would be coming soon. Doesn't the CIA report on 2015 and news on the z-field compression at least support what I've been saying a little bit?

I just saw another story today about the Russians moving Nukes into the Balkans to thwart any future expansion by NATO. I also haven't heard anyone take me up on my "information experiment" on the IBM 5100 or check out the information I've given you about the UNIX failure in 2038. With all due respect, I find it hard to take some of you seriously.

05 January 2001 13:46

In 2036, community life is a bit different. People are valued and judged based on their contribution and worth. Work is organized around the family and the value of that work is assessed inside of the community. Most communities range in size from 1000 to 4000 people. If a family wanted to move from one community to another or if a son or daughter wanted to move to another community, they must apply and be interviewed by the community leadership council. During this process, the family or individual is evaluated as to whether or not the work or skill they have is required or necessary to that individual community. Once accepted, the family or individual is expected to uphold their end of the work and support the community. If they don't, the community stops supporting them and they are forced to change their attitude or move away from the community.

The family work we did was picking, sorting and shipping oranges by sailboat up and down the coast of Florida. We were expected to produce a certain amount for the community and a certain amount for other communities as agreed to by our CLC. In exchange, we received power, water, a certain amount of food and other necessities that were produced inside our community.

I see this message board as a small community and I have no other way to value the contributions of others on it other than what my past experiences tell me. I have tried to answer as many questions as I can without being annoying, repetitive or inappropriate, and for some of you, entertaining. Under these conditions, I have decided to seek guidance from all of you, the other members of this community, as to whether or not my postings are of any value to the direction of these discussions. If they are getting distracting or repetitive, I will stop and continue to enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas.

Who receives the Nobel Prize for time travel? Since you claim no two worldlines are the same, this information could not hurt anything.

There are a great many people involved with the discovery of time travel. Just as I will not give "stock tips", I will not divulge their names as that may impact their lives now.

What would happen if you gave us technical information that's discovered in a year or so?

If I had any and I published them, I'm sure they may have a large impact. Unfortunately, I don't have any with me. Even if I did, I'm sure they would be scrutinized. Again we get back to the same question. If you were a time traveler, what would you do to establish your credibility?

Have any other time travelers visited your future in 2036?

No, I am not aware of time travelers visiting my worldline in 2036. However, that does not mean it can't or isn't happening. Also, the possible number of worldlines a time traveler might arrive at would place the chances of them hitting any particular one at very long odds.

What happens to (name of person asking question)? Am I involved in Time Travel? What of the (armed) resistance?

I have no idea what happens to you in your future. There was a resistance on my worldline but their goal was to maintain power and control over other people. We killed most of them by 2020.

How big is the IBM 5100?

I would say its about 20" long, 10" high and 30" long.

Timetravel-0 and I are not getting along.

I'm not aware we had a falling out. I apologize if you think that's the case.

Are there still books in 2036?

Yes, books are still published.

Are there restrictions to what you can do with the time machine?

The displacement machine is not mine but I am free to make certain decisions based on the experiences and information I gather from each worldline. I am expected back but from their perspective, I will only have been gone for a split second.

06 January 2001 13:10

What is the progress on string theory?

Who doesn't love string theory? Please forgive the next few comments, I'm trying to be cryptic and jump starting my memory at the same time. In 2036, string theory still dominates physics due to its continued "effect" of encompassing other physical properties from unrelated fields.

A great deal of the theoretical mathematics behind time travel was discovered by testing various ideas in string theory and eliminating the anomalies. As I recall, it was this original work that led to the final proof that six dimensions do indeed curl up to give us our observable universe. This in turn supported more of the theoretical math behind time travel.

It's ironic that the beauty of string theory gives future engineers the confidence to create the distortion unit even though the final proof is still unknown. You're a physics student, have you ever heard the Princeton String Quartet play?

09 January 2001 09:28

Why don't you give us more detailed information about the future so we won't be so skeptical?

I think skepticism is a good thing and no one should lose it.

Why don't you accept my challenge? What harm could it do?

I'm not sure what "challenge" you are referring to. If you mean the live chat, I have no problem with that. I do that quite often on other boards. However, I fear I have very few bread and circuses left and I fear I am becoming quite boring. Also, I'm not sure I fully understand the nature of the challenge.

You could still give us details about the future that wouldn't harm anyone and still add to your credibility.

Again, I do not seek to add to my credibility. There is no point to it. Actually, by providing information that was useful, I would be adding to your collective fear that I am real. In that case, this cycle we are in concerning "truth" only spirals and gets worse.

Why can't you name the five presidents you have in your time?

Over the past few postings, I have tried to describe the limits of what I will talk about and why. Here is a short recap list. In future postings, I will place the following number next to each question as to why I will not discuss it.

1. I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge. This means no stock or sports tips.

2. I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. This means no earthquake or bombing information.

3. I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being.

On my worldline, we are no longer afraid of the "NWO". Are you afraid of Nazis?

The reason the job of President was split into an office of 5 has 4 main reasons. With 5 (presidents), foreign policy is more consistent, power shifting between parties has less of an impact on the overall government, individual strengths between presidents add to the strength of the overall office, and one president is elected for each major area in the United States.

What is the extent of Presidential power in 2036?

The office of President is far more diluted and decentralized than it is here. The powers of the national government are more defined and reside more at the county and state level.

What is the new government like in 2036 compared to the current one?

I think the new government is good. However, since the concept of nationally subsidized welfare is gone, most people here may not appreciate it.

Where is the new US capitol?

The new US capitol is in Omaha Nebraska.

How do the 5 presidents take power?

The voting for individual candidates is on a rotating schedule.

What are the other time traveler's destinations, and missions?

I am not aware of the details of other missions. Of the seven, three had already left before I did. I suspect they are on similar missions.

Are any other time travelers on our current worldline?

No, the chances of that are very slim.

Are you in contact with other time travelers?

No, although I would suspect that is not impossible I have no idea how you would do that.

Is it possible to send a message through time?

Unless the information physically travels with the person; none that I'm aware of.

09 January 2001 12:24

I apologize for being unable to respond faster. I looked back and couldn't find any questions but I may be mistaken.

I also see that you seem to have a great deal of anger directed at me. If you knew where I was and how to get the distortion unit, what would you do? What judgment and punishment should be passed upon me?

On this and many other discussion boards are people who are genuinely interested in and hoping to experience or discover time travel. What punishment would you apply to them if the succeed? I see that you too have had time travel experience. What punishment do you deserve?

When time travel was discovered, there were many people who were against its development. However, once the true nature of time was realized, the resistance faded. Even if one worldline was able to ban, kill and stop all time travel, it will continue on another.

However, the corollary is also true. Take heart, on some worldline, you have succeeded and all time travelers are dead by the hand of your followers and thinking or talking about it is a crime.

Perhaps we should all agree what we mean when we use the phrase "time travel". We are all moving forward in time just by existing and the effects of acceleration and gravity do "slow" time down for the observer so the rest of the world seems to speed up around them.

If we call this natural time travel (time-like trips on a single worldline) then perhaps its really controlled time travel that you are after (space-like trips on a single worldline or traveling to alternate worldlines).


January 10, 2001

With that, it may then be useful to separate the concept of controlled time travel into theory and practice. In theory, time travel was taken seriously by mainstream science when it discovered that Einstein's equations do indeed support the possibility of controlled time travel under special relativity. Since special relativity (under its current limitations) has been proved useful and accurate in predicting other physical phenomena, it is widely believed that controlled time travel is also possible.
Nearly all of the solutions that allow time travel in special relativity also have the annoying problem of crushing the time traveler in a wake of radiation and gravity.
In my experience, there is only one safe way to obtain controlled time travel and that involves the "safe" properties of a Kerr singularity (black hole). However, I do not discount the possibility of other methods either physical or metaphysical. I'm just not sure I would bet my life on them without any math to back them up.

10 January 2001 01:13

E(8) x E(8)?

10 January 2001 23:10

You mentioned a divergence percentage between time lines. How is it possible to measure divergence?

The measurement for worldline divergence is an observation variable isolated to the distortion unit. An effective analogy would be a "gravity radar". The unit's sensors take a "snapshot" of the local gravity around the unit before a flight. During travel, this baseline is periodically checked to make sure there are no major changes in the environment that would cause a catastrophic mass failure (brick wall appearing from nowhere). The percentage of VGL divergence from one worldline to another is a calculated guess by the three computers that control the unit based on its starting point. It is useless in describing characteristics of individual worldlines.

There is a bit of folklore about the first distortion driver who reaches a destination with a zero divergence. This would mean they had traveled on a space-like trip to their own worldline of origin. This paradox is quite possible although highly unlikely. I wonder if anyone out there can take current string theory and make that one work on paper?

You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current string theory suggests that there should be at least 7.

I may be mistaken but I thought it was pretty well established now that (N-10) was on track.

11 January 2001 09:04

I must admit (forum name), you have succeeded in confusing me. The more I read your postings, the more I question my understanding and local use of social interaction, courtesy and logic. However, I also believe that all viewpoints have some inherent value even if it's not apparent.

I take it you won't answer my last post?

I took a look at your last posting and didn't see any questions. However, I now realize that I may be mistaken in assuming much of what you wrote was rhetorical. In may be helpful if you add some indication that you are asking a question you wish someone to comment on.

If you're from the future, than you should know what happens to (personal names of people on forum)? Am I involved in time travel?

This is the only question I found from your postings that you could be referring to. Again, I have no knowledge of you in any possible future nor would I comment on it if I did. As far as the photograph of me in a uniform, I'm not sure what that would prove even if I had one.

If you speak to me anymore, I will probably discredit your claims of being a time traveler.

I do not seek credit for anything. The most I hope for (for the most part) is to be at least interesting and engaging.

If you want meet my challenge (to talk online), I await your answer.

Perhaps I was unclear before. I did provide the web link earlier that does have a chat room set up for time travel. My schedule is a bit more flexible right now at least for the next week or so. Please take a look and let me know when you will be there (open to anyone of course). Since there really is nothing to be gained or lost, I look at this not as a challenge but more of an opportunity to get to know everyone better.

You need to answer people more quickly. You answer questions only when it is convenient for you. Your answers appear to be just enough to satisfy someone but you have enough time to just look it up in a book.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. In earlier postings, I have stated that I'm trying to avoid repeating myself and frankly there are some items that are just over my head or that I have no knowledge of. It is curious that you feel knowledge can be something owned or somehow that becomes less worthwhile if it's passed on.

Your future seems to be fixated on killing people. Isn't there a criminal justice system or do you just enjoy killing people?

Perhaps you could take the dialogue in question and post it with your question. However, if I understand you, you're asking about death on my worldline. Yes, it is more a part of our lives than it is yours (at least for now) and capitol punishment is a reality.

11 January 2001 11:49

I don't believe I ever said I came back looking for a UNIX bug fix. I came back for a computer system. Don't you find UNIX useful now?
Temperature is about the same although there were anomalies after the war.

Just curious.... what does everyone think of "IT"? (Ginger)

15 January 2001 12:04

In the post that follows, I've tried to answer the latest questions directed at me but I am hoping you all may be able to add some insight into something I've noticed. In our attempt to communicate here, some of the comments on this board have become increasingly hostile and negative. I see the same type of interaction when I watch news interview programs.

The guise of productive interaction and communication is thwarted by illogical verbal attacks and misdirection. I understand why the news does it. They are trying to hold an audience by generating conflict. For a while, I thought that was the goal here too but it appears that anger and conflict is being created on this site to cause genuine harm and pain. Its hard for me to believe that this is being done on purpose so I have concluded I simply do not understand some hidden element of your collective social interaction.

On the other hand, if its being done for no reason, I would understand a little better how people in this time could accomplish so much and yet be so vulnerable to their emotions and fears. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who believed that the only way to sway opinion was through calm, respectful, intelligent conversation.

Weather I'm a time traveler or not, I suppose there are numerous ways to view my "story". By the nature of the communication medium, I believe it's impossible to prove therefore it's impossible to believe. I agree that conversation spurs ideas. If I'm not a time a time traveler, than perhaps the seemingly disjointed statements I make will actually create the idea in one of you that leads to "real" time travel.

What is a WORLDLINE?

Individual worldlines represent the limits and paths physical objects take through space-time under the laws of special relativity. They can be shown graphically on an x-y graph with x representing distance in space and y representing passing of time. In time travel talk, worldlines are used as a way to describe and separate the experiences of a time traveler because various laws of special relativity appear to breakdown and can't be defined on a single worldline. (The word) Worldline has also become synonymous with "alternate universe" and / or "time-line".

You've admitted to taking things back with you. Do you pay for those items?

I pay for these items with money. Personally, I believe stealing is wrong.

Couldn't you just take what ever you wanted back with you?

There are mass limits to what can be taken back.

Are you tested mentally before becoming a time traveler? What makes a good time traveler?

Yes, there are numerous psychological tests. I was chosen based on my educational background and military service. The training lasted about two years. There is a great deal of physical training to counter the physical effects of distortion. They were also looking for drivers who had a fair amount of self-sufficiency and an ability to function under extreme isolation and confinement.

What do they look for when choosing someone for a mission?

Depending on the mission, time travelers are usually chosen for a particular mission based on their ability to gain the cooperation of someone related to the goal on the target worldline. In my case, my grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100.

If a time traveler is bad and commits murder or goes crazy, is there anyway they can be recalled?

There is a difference of philosophy between us that should be clarified. Since I believe that all possible outcomes and events are possible, probable and certain, it is impossible to assign "goodness" or "badness" to a person or situation.

On some other worldline, I am an insane time traveler causing destruction and death while (name of forum member who confronts John on a regular basis) chases me with his band of devoted followers. However, on this one, I am not. Since both events are certain, their value is neutral.

You can only assign goodness and badness to the events and experiences you have direct control over or witness. Only actions are good and bad, not people or things. I suppose if I was a psychotic killer, I could accomplish my mission, avoid capture and still return to my worldline of origin without penalty. There would be no way for them to know what happened. However, I believe that action is wrong and I would be accountable to my God.

What exactly is "IT" since no one will know for sure until probably 2002 according to news reports?

I suppose this question is my own fault. As a time traveler, I am expected to know every winning horse and hot stock as well as the weather in all parts of the world at all times. I was genuinely interested in your opinion of how "IT" was being presented and advertised. Do you feel manipulated? Do you think it's really a big deal? Do you like the way the news is dealing with it?

How do you know our worldline and yours will follow the same path?

This worldline and my own are almost exactly alike.

15 January 2001 13:36

Thank you for considering the problem of (my) returning home. You seem to have stumbled on an intuitive proof of some of the physics of time travel. You are correct, getting back to the worldline of origin is easier than picking an exact destination on a different worldline.
I wrote down the graphic you outlined. If y1 starts perpendicular to x1 and x2 and is rotated, where is the center of rotation? I imagined it between x1 and x2. If this is so, wouldn't y1 end up parallel between x1 and x2 with each one being 6 inches away from y1 on either side?

Does the microsingularity that powers your time machine physically reduce the size of objects during operation?

Actually, there are 2 singularities in the unit. The gravity field is manipulated by three factors that affect it in distinct ways. Adding electric charge to the singularities increases the diameter of the inner event horizons. Adding mass to the singularities increases the area of gravitational influence around the singularities. Rotating and positioning the polar axis of the singularities affects and alters the gravity sinusoid.

The effects of the gravity produced by the unit do not have enough time to significantly alter physical objects within a reasonable distance from the outside of the sinusoid. No, things do not get smaller.

If the electron injection system alters the shape of the field, would that not force the unit to accelerate through space as well as time?

There is no relative movement in space due to three main factors. Large, kinetic energy inducing effects of the gravity field are compensated for by the interaction of the singularities. The mass of the unit and any objects inside the sinusoid do not exhibit any huge increases on the departure worldline during travel. The observed path of the traveler is obtained by changing the gravity, not by moving the vehicle. The black hole comes to you.

The question is define "time".

To me, time has two definitions. I see time as a mathematical component of a 10 dimensional super universe. It is a variable I use to define my location and existence.

I also see time as a metaphysical compromise our senses use to define the area of collective existence God has placed us in.
When I can measure and sense time, I know I am not with God.

16 January 2001 10:43

I know you have a hidden agenda. You have not made clear your motives and are only giving us very little proof. Why are you holding back?

Rest assured there is nothing I have planned in my "hidden agenda" that will make anyone's life any worse than it already might be.

Am I right? You do a lot of work in the background of our society? Admit it.

I plan to leave soon. There is nothing I can do here that will affect my home. My goals are based on the love I have for my family. Actually, my interest in the past is a result of going through piles of half burned books and magazines left over from a war started by people you share this planet with right now. On that note, perhaps its more interesting to consider what I won't be doing to try and stop that war.

What are your personal beliefs? Do you believe in God, which one? Do you think the ends justify the means? Don't you have people regulating Time Travel?

How many Gods are there? I believe in just one. What are your suggestions for regulating time? Perhaps a list of your "time rights" would be something to spark conversation on the board.

You are a cheater of life. Why can't your worldline fend for itself? You take the solution from us and threaten to change billions of lives (here). Why don't you care about that?

I'm just guessing that "cheater of life" is not a compliment. I can't think of a reason why my actions would be immoral and someone else's would not. You suggest I'm capable of changing lives. I suggest that I'm no more capable of that than you are.

I'm just not so sure you recognize your own potential. You don't need a time machine to save or destroy people. If there was another person doing the exact same things I was but they didn't have a time machine, would they be putting billions of lives at stake and suffer your judgment?

Is there any such thing as wrong for you?

Yes, I believe in wrong and right. I judge my actions based on God's law. Is it wrong for me to murder? Yes it is. Is it wrong for me to teach someone how to defend themselves and they commit murder? No, I am not their keeper. Since I am leaving, I will be incapable of causing any harm. But, what damage will you do with anything I have said?

17 January 2001 11:29

In the future, sociologists spend a great of time discussing the collective mentality before the war that led to the demise of "Homo Materia". Many of them point to an experiment that was done in the 1970's or 1980's. The experiment isolated various sizes of rat populations in varying cage sizes with varying food and cleaning schedules. It was discovered that no matter what, there was a certain ratio of rats to space that once overtaken by population would always lead to aggressive and destructive behavior in the rats until enough of them had died or been killed to get back under the ratio. This was true even when the rats that were given plenty of food and had their cage cleaned every day.

Besides the occasional school or office shooting and violent video game, I can't help but think about that experiment every time I see someone stranded on the highway or walking on the side of the road carrying an empty gas can. I ask my parents why we don't stop and help and they tell me they are afraid of being attacked and of the possible consequences of helping someone they don't know. I would respond by pointing out that it's our duty to help someone, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because we can never know that person's true worth and the risk of losing then is too great.

I didn't fully understand their stubbornness until I saw a news story about a doctor who was sued for applying emergency first aid to an accident victim who died. I believe your society is biologically geared for self-destruction. However, I feel strongly that does not excuse me from my responsibilities as a temporary member of this community.

Although (name of poster on forum) is a bit quirky and eccentric, he does belong to us. He's this community's quirky and eccentric guy and although he can be aggravating, I can't help but feel protective of him. As I'm sure most of us believe, under all of his postings, he has some interesting things to say. When I first read one of his postings, I first shook my head and then I began to question my own understanding of not only the English language but of the real meaning of the odd things he brings up. If it's done on purpose, it's quite effective.

26 January 2001 15:11

After trying to post a couple of times and seeing the number of postings increase but not the pages, I assume it is limited to 11 pages. Any thoughts?

26 January 2001 18:46

Greetings everyone. I've been away for a while so I apologize for not getting back to these questions sooner. Since (personal name from forum) brought up a few things I had addressed in the mysterious mail that never made it to the board, I will post it here. The others are responses from other questions.

Why are you so interested in the Constitution?

After the war, the United States had split into five separate regions based on the various factors and military objectives they each had. There was a great deal of anger directed toward the Federal government and a revival of states rights was becoming paramount. However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system.

During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it.

Don't you like your "new" Constitution?

From my viewpoint, it's very effective. I am a very strong believer in local or state's rights.

When are you leaving to go home?

There are certain windows I must wait for in order to leave. There will be two this year. The first one opens this spring.

Is it possible for you to return to this time line once you leave?

Not with the machine I have now.

If we all had time machines, would we end up destroying the rest of the local worldlines?

Since everything is already happening and possible on different worldlines, the answer is yes, and no.


You stated you went back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a near 2 percent divergence. You also said that a zero divergence is a myth or technologically improbable.

Yes, a "ZD" (zero-divergence?= null avvik) is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point "may" not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of "homes" that I could return to that don't have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .0002377%.

Please correct me if I don't understand. Are parallel universes created by events in our own worldline?

Parallel universes exist independently of each other and only interact to avoid the collapse of the wave function for any given particle or event that you are looking at.

I like to imagine it as a series of parallel lines crossed by a wavy wave. Each point on the wavy line where a straight line crosses it represents an alternate outcome. The multiple "yous" on each worldline record a different result for the activity of the particle.

01-27-2001 12:45 PM

Greetings. I am a time traveler from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975.
My "time" machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two, top-spin, dual-positive singularities that produce a standard, off-set Tipler sinusoid.
I will be happy to post pictures of the unit.
I have been communicating online with others who are interested in time travel.

Earlier you said the people on your worldline would only experience your being away for a split second. How can this be true if you'll never return to that worldline?

Again, I refer to the mirror example.

It seems impossible that another you would return to the worldline you originally came from.

I'm not sure I said another time traveler "will" return, I think I said they "could" return. The location/gravity "map" I have of my path getting here could be duplicated with a fairly high degree of accuracy. It's just that my machine was not designed to do that.

I think it's a mistake to rely on the concept of the impossible when dealing with the reality of multiple worlds. Keep in mind there are an infinite number of "yous" on infinite worldlines having completely different experiences with "me".

You stated that returning to your worldline of origin is thought to be impossible.

My "exact" ZD worldline that is.

01-28-2001 06:35 AM

My initial flight was from 2036 to 1975 (61 yrs). I then went from 1975 to 2000 (25 yrs.) Later this year, one of two favorable windows will open and I will return to my 2036 (35 yrs.) I am here now for personal reasons. The web page is not mine. I have been speaking online for about three months and the page is a collection of the various documents and pictures I have sent to other individuals.
Also, I realize there is no way for anyone to believe me with absolute certainty so I hope I'm at least entertaining. You may be interested to know that even in 2036, there are a large number of people who don't believe in time travel. Are you sure the world is round?


As far as the future goes, your worldline is about 2.5% different than mine. This is a roughly cumulative measurement based on my arrival in 1975. As far as I can tell right now, you are headed toward the same events I would call "my history" in 2036. However, the very nature of time travel states that every worldline is unique and you are very much in control of what you do and how you get there. Heck, the fact that I'm here makes it different from mine.
I have nothing to sell, and there is nothing I want anyone to do. For all other time travelers out there, I have no tests for you and I would enjoy discussing your feelings and experiences after the war. To everyone else, while I'm here, I am very interested in your philosophy, religious outlooks and speculations on technology.

29 January 2001 12:25

Are the Olympics still being played in the future?

As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. However, it appears they may be revived in 2040.

What sort of future do you imagine after 2036? Will we colonize the solar system?

Keep in mind that not all humans were destroyed but we were all affected. There is an effort going into colonizing space because it is believed that the problems of overpopulation were a large cause of the war. Personally, my generation sees itself as having a duty to try and repair the mess our fathers handed to us. When we were young, most of us had a small taste of the world you live in now and our only dream is to clean it up and give it back to those still able to have children.


I'm not sure the physics of time travel is really that hard to grasp. Most of the working theory has been around on a large scale since 1970 and the technical breakthroughs are happening on your worldline right now.
Technology is not gone in 2036 nor is it the private domain of "government" leaders. Computer printers just didn't work very well on 12 volts and many people just got used to doing things the old way. After the war, the main problem was distribution. Can anyone tell me how many companies in the United States still manufacture bicycle tires today? Anyone who still has a bike in 2008 will find out.

Are you in contact with time travelers in 2036? What percentage of people accept time travel in 2036?

The general public was informed about time travel around 2034. Yes, I have had conversations with other time travelers on my home worldline. Your insight on the public is more or less correct. I would say 60% of the people realize what it is and the possible implications, 20% of the people don't care, 10% don't believe it and another 10% see it as something that should be banned and stopped.

What do you see for the future of time travel on your worldline?

That's a good question. I am hopeful that one day when we get the planet cleaned up it will be a nice place to live on again and no one will want to leave it. On the other hand, if time travel were commonplace right now, I think a great many people would leave and perhaps never return. There is also a suggestion that time travel might make an interesting punishment. However, I don't think we have the right to force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to the Stone Age might be a bit much.

03-05-2001 11:23 AM

What's the future of cloning?

Cloning full people has been determined to be medically and ethically unsound. We do have research and progress in cloning body parts and creating more viable sperm and egg production.

What if something happens to your device and you couldn't leave. Would you do anything different?

No, I wouldn't do anything different if my machine broke. I would still be a stranger and a guest here. My opinions and "announcements" would also be the same as anyone else's. I may however offer advice to my younger self.

Are the Great Pyramids standing in 2036?

Yes, although one of them was severely damaged.

How's communication around the world in 2036. Do you still have literature widely available?

Yes, books and other literature are available but most of the distribution is via the net.

Is the English language segmenting? Is tourism still strong and thriving in 2036?

I would say the English language is pretty much the same as it is now. There are differences in slang and figures of speech but it's nothing you couldn't pick up. Yes, I suppose we do have "tourism".

One of the reasons drug abuse isn't a major problem in 2036 is because no one wants to die from it and everyone else who did is dead.

"If you're interested, I will be posting more pages from the manual and a cut-a-way drawing of the distortion unit."


In trying to help you, we put ourselves as great risk and there's really no point to it. We know the nature of time dictates that traveling between "exact" worldlines is impossible. Therefore, the only results we will see will be the ones we stay to see. Since worldlines, outcomes and events are infinite, we have better things to do. When I arrive in the "new" 1998 worldline on my way home I could easily start all of this again and continue to go through the same conversations with all of the same people. However, I already know you won't pay any attention or believe me because we've already been through it on this worldline
